INC NEWS - [DukeDurhamTownGown] RE: [TrinityPark] Concerns about listserve -- response from Susan Kauffman, Trinity Park resident and Duke employee :-)

Newman Aguiar newman at
Fri Apr 7 09:09:22 EDT 2006

Wow!  Tom, particularly from you, those are some pretty serious statements
in response to an issue where we agree completely.  Perhaps, you read my
statement as a challenge of the "validity" of Serena's concern.  I believe
Serena has a valid concern, it was just "badly misplaced" with respect to
Susan's post.  Serena's concern continues to remain open for discussion.





From: Tom Clark [mailto:tomc at] 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:28 PM
To: 'Newman Aguiar'; 'Susan Kauffman'; pac2 at;
pac3 at; inc-list at; TrinityPark at;
DukeDurhamTownGown at
Subject: RE: [DukeDurhamTownGown] RE: [TrinityPark] Concerns about listserve
-- response from Susan Kauffman, Trinity Park resident and Duke employee :-)




All due respect, I think it's it is your concern here that is misplaced.
Serena's post, and Susan's response, are exactly the kind of thing we need
more of-good, thoughtful question => clear, constructive answer.


All of us these days are obliged to develop our skills at coping with
'information overload.'  Primary among these is the ability to evaluate the
credibility of a given piece of information and/or its source.  Selena's
concern that the neighborhood listservs not become simply yet another place
where corporate spin machines do their thing is entirely appropriate. In
fact, it's parallel to the current controversy about video news releases
(VNR's - see ).  The issue
involves precisely the principle of clear identification of a news source so
that bias can be evaluated by each individual member of the receiving


And Susan did a great job of cheerfully and plainly identifying herself as
someone who is paid by Duke to help disseminate the information they want
you to have (I don't say that's all she is paid to do or that she doesn't
have her own opinions sometimes, and certainly not that Duke's information
isn't worth having-I agree with Mike S that I'm glad she posted what she
did, see last paragraph here).  As long as everyone has a chance to know
about the connection and the spirit in which it is maintained, there is no


As Susan says, the listserves are a great place to 'get the word' out.  This
is because they are basically authentic conversations among interested
neighbors.  They can stay that way as long as no voice with some narrow
interest becomes dominant.   Despite your well-deserved reputation as a
neighborhood hero, I think you're the one being narrow here when you try to
marginalize someone who's concerned that this source of conversation stay


Also, for the record, in terms of our previous exchange, let me tell you
that the news Susan brought to us (within an hour of your response to mine
last night) basically won me over to your 'better late than never' camp
about how Duke is handling this whole thing.  It sounds like we agree that
while Duke might have taken action a little sooner, it isn't clear what
else, other than what they are doing with Pres. Brodhead's plans, they could
constructively do now.  I would still suggest patience with those who don't
immediately see Duke's efforts as successfully counter-balancing their
responsibilities in allowing this all to happen.  No one changes overnight
on either side.  But while I reserve the right to call 'em like I see 'em, I
have no investment is staying on Duke's case, particularly during a tough





Tom Clark

905 Alabama Ave.

Durham, NC 27705



From: DukeDurhamTownGown at
[mailto:DukeDurhamTownGown at] On Behalf Of Newman Aguiar
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 12:20 PM
To: 'Susan Kauffman'; pac2 at; pac3 at;
inc-list at; TrinityPark at;
DukeDurhamTownGown at
Subject: [DukeDurhamTownGown] RE: [TrinityPark] Concerns about listserve --
response from Susan Kauffman, Trinity Park resident and Duke employee :-)




You don't have to explain your reasons for posting the information to the
list.  Your message properly identified who you are.  Unfortunately not
everyone who posts properly identifies who they are.  While we put up with
the lack of identifying information from some posters, it certainly would
help us all if everyone properly identified themselves as you did.  The
Trinity Park list is a public list, as are all the other lists to which you


I appreciated very much that you posted Dr. Brodhead's letter.  If you
hadn't, I or someone else on the list would most certainly have.  I
appreciate that it came directly from you and I am thankful that you are
using the list to communicate with us.


I feel that Serena's concern is badly misplaced.  Please do not hesitate to
post information that you feel is important to our community.





From: TrinityPark at [mailto:TrinityPark at] On
Behalf Of Susan Kauffman
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 12:07 PM
To: pac2 at; pac3 at; inc-list at;
TrinityPark at; DukeDurhamTownGown at
Subject: [TrinityPark] Concerns about listserve -- response from Susan
Kauffman, Trinity Park resident and Duke employee :-)


Hello Serena and all,

I am a resident of Trinity Park. Obviously, I also work at  Duke. Much of
my time is spent with the Office of Community Affairs and the Duke-Durham
Neighborhood Partnership --

My purpose last night was simply to help keep people informed about Duke's
response to the lacrosse situation. The neighborhood listserves are an
effective, rapid means of disseminating information to those who might be
interested. (For example, I did same thing when Duke announced it had
bought Guy Solie's rental houses in order to turn them into owner-occupied
residences.)  I do try to put Duke or the name of a Duke administrator in
the subject line so that it's clear who is sending the message.  I will
work harder on that.

Best wishes,

Susan Kauffman
Director of Special Projects
Office of Public Affairs & Govt. Relations
Box 90028
Duke University
(919) 681-8975





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