INC NEWS - Public Statement From Durham People's Alliance

risafoster at risafoster at
Fri Apr 7 12:56:24 EDT 2006

I hope other organizations, neighborhoods, non profits, congregations, all of us, make a public statement as the Durham People's Alliance has below.   
risa foster
co-president, 2006
Durham People's Alliance
cc:  mike crum
co-president, 2006
Durham People?s Alliance is initiating this public statement to record our concern of the reports of rape and abuse of a Durham citizen at 610 Buchanan Avenue.  

Durham People?s Alliance is committed to a community where the perspectives of diverse groups such as different races, economic classes, genders, religion, sexual orientations, ages, and abilities are respected.  A community where individuals have the opportunity for a life of accomplishment, dignity, and pride.   

Durham People?s Alliance knows that only by aggressively addressing both racism and sexism will we be able to obtain real justice for all.  The PA recognizes that violence against one woman is violence against us all.   While acknowledging that steps are being taken, Durham People?s Alliance remains concerned by the high incidence of rape, racial prejudice and economic inequality within our community
The Durham People?s Alliance recognizes and wholly supports the struggle of this young woman.  We applaud and support her refusal to be silent and her willingness to stand up for justice, and we absolutely condemn the violence she experienced in Durham.
Durham People's Alliance
331 West Main Street, Suite 503
Durham, NC 27701
(919) 682-7777
durhampa at mindspring
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