INC NEWS - [Fwd: Re: Moneta co-chairing presidential committee???]

Regina deLacy rdelacy at
Mon Apr 10 22:12:03 EDT 2006

Dear KJJ1 -

Larry Moneta reports directly to Richard Brodhead.  That means the CCI 
will get the president's ear without filtering.  That is a good thing. 

As VP for Student Affairs, he also knows the territory better than 
anyone.  He is best positioned to get information  and recommendations 
as to how to effect what will have to be a massive culture change.

And wouldn't you want your own children to be warned of threats against 
their safety?  In the current hostile feelings so many local citizens 
have against the megalith of Duke, it seems that Dr. Moneta was being 
prudent.  Some Duke students have been assaulted.  The threats weren't 
all empty.

Sorry to be preachy, but I think it would be better to have a little 
faith, or at least wait and see.  It takes a long time to turn an ocean 
liner around. 

We should watch carefully, but we should wait and see what he, and the 
other blue ribbon committees come up with.

- Regina deLacy

kjj1 at wrote:

>Am I the only one who is dismayed to learn that President Brodhead has 
>appointed Larry Moneta to co-chair the Campus Culture Initiative committee? 
>The same Larry Moneta who sent out an e-mail to EVERY single student, 
>warning them of retaliatory, drive-by shootings at the lacrosse house? An 
>e-mail based on unsubstantiated, third-hand rumors? An e-mail that 
>represented Durham to students as a dangerous city of predatory 
>gang-bangers and was picked up in the New York Times and other national 
>news outlets?
>This is the person President Brodhead has appointed to chair the committee 
>charged "to evaluate and suggest improvements in the ways Duke educates 
>students in the values of personal responsibility, consideration for 
>others, and mutual respect in the face of difference and disagreement."
>Are we to take it that the administration approves Moneta's e-mail and 
>considers it an appropriate example of "personal responsibility . . . and 
>mutual respect in the face of difference and disagreement"? Or does 
>responsibility to and respect for  Durham not factor in to Duke's 
>examination of campus culture?
>Surely Moneta could have warned students to be careful and mindful in these 
>tense and difficult times without engaging in blatant, irresponsible fear- 
>and rumor-mongering.
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