INC NEWS - [DukeDurhamTownGown] Statement from Duke re. reported results from DNA tests

Reyn Bowman Reyn at
Tue Apr 11 09:24:59 EDT 2006

Actually Tom, I didn't take John's statement that way at all.  He's
essentially saying what you are.   Duke has repeatedly expressed
concern.  I took him not to say that regardless of the DNA, the system
must be allowed to work until the truth is revealed.


Reyn Bowman


From: DukeDurhamTownGown at
[mailto:DukeDurhamTownGown at] On Behalf Of Tom Clark
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 11:03 PM
To: 'Susan Kauffman'; DukeDurhamTownGown at;
TrinityPark at; inc-list at
Subject: RE: [DukeDurhamTownGown] Statement from Duke re. reported
results from DNA tests


Susan et. al., 


Despite "Duke bashing" charges I'm sure I'll get, I do have to say that
this statement is a great example of the clumsy, purely self-interested,
pure strategic calculation that has characterized Duke's performance as
a community leader in the last few years.


By leaving out any expression of feeling for the community trauma that
has occurred-that Duke presumably still claims it will take some
responsibility for with the study groups it has organized, and that must
be dealt with no matter what the outcome of the legal battle-the
statement functions as virtually an outright declaration that if there
is no rape, there is no problem-all we have to do is wait for the police
to reveal the truth.  Instead we get a reminder, a small lecture really,
about the most well-known legal principle in the country.  


What might have been helpful, and certainly more graceful, is the needed
lecture about the fact that while the DNA tests could have all but
convicted someone, they did not and could not exonerate anyone.   The
negative results as reported simply made a quick ending to this episode
much less likely. There is still the accuser's personal testimony,
official rape kit exam results, a sick, all-but-incriminating email, a
DA who has said he thinks a rape took place, and perhaps a long
drawn-out legal process for all of us to soak in for the coming months
and even years.


Just to be clear, my position is not that I'm sure anyone on the
lacrosse team raped anyone and therefore I do not have anyone
"convicted."  I *am* sure that these guys organized a get drunk and
get-off (sexually) party and invited a women to perform for their
gratification, and that she says they raped her.  I deeply believe that
the racial overtones of the incident have important implications for the
health of this community and that they are caused by two indisputable

1)       that the stripper is black, which ESPN has reported was a
choice by the all white players, not just the luck of the draw, and

2)       the directly overheard, by two people, use of racist hate
speech at the party 

I also believe that 'innocent until proven guilty' cuts both ways, so
it's just as wrong to speculate that the accuser is lying-as was done in
a letter to the editor of the Herald-Sun this morning-as it is to
'convict' the players before the legal process has run its course.  


The summary of all this is that, contrary to the impression delivered by
John Burness' graceless and pathetically sparse statement of this
evening, whether or not a rape occurred on 3/13, this community and Duke
University have big problems that exist independently of anyone's
political views or expressions and must be addressed if we have any hope
of getting along with each other.


Signing off for a while,




Tom Clark

905 Alabama Ave.

Durham, NC 27705



From: DukeDurhamTownGown at
[mailto:DukeDurhamTownGown at] On Behalf Of Susan Kauffman
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 7:14 PM
To: DukeDurhamTownGown at; TrinityPark at;
inc-list at
Subject: [DukeDurhamTownGown] Statement from Duke re. reported results
from DNA tests


As both President Brodhead and I have said repeatedly over the past few
weeks, we have to have confidence that the police investigation will
ultimately reveal the truth. While the allegations in this case are
extremely serious, it is important to remember that no one has been
and that in our system of law people are presumed innocent until proven

John Burness
Senior Vice President for Public Affairs and Government Relations
Duke University





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