INC NEWS - Durham School Board Elections

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Wed Apr 12 14:58:34 EDT 2006

This email was posted to my neighborhood listserv
today. Thought I'd pass it on to you guys. I didn't
find the News and Observer website very helpful (maybe
I'm missing something), but I have written Mohamed for
his opinions on the School Board candidates, and I can
forward that to you when/if I receive it. 

If any of you have any strong feelings on those
running for the school board, I'd love to hear/read
them (as well as the reasons for them).

Cheers, Melissa


Hi, all,

Some of you may have noticed the signs around
concerning the upcoming Durham school board election
(Tuesday, May 2).  I want to really encourage everyone
to get information on this election and to actually go
out and vote.  These elections may have a much greater
impact on our day-to-day lives than the presidential
races which we all get riled about every fourth year,
and this is true both for people with kids in public
schools and those without.

There was a debate last night between the 10
candidates for Durham's school board.  It was not
televised (though it was recorded), and about half the
audience were family members of the candidates.  One
candidate said explicitly that he felt math and
science was "not for everyone".  Another candidate (an
incumbent!) spoke very strongly against teaching
evolution.  These are the people who'll be determining
policy for our city's public schools (remember Dover).

For those of you without kids (or with kids in private
schools), it could still impact you- for example,
there was extensive discussion about raising the
dropout age in Durham schools from 16 to 18.  That
could impact the whole community in a variety of ways.

You can get info from this website about the basics
for each candidate:
(scroll down halfway or so for the school board races,
under "nonpartisan races")

You're also welcome to drop me a line if you'd like my
opinion on the candidates (I won't put in this

This is really important.  Get out to vote on May 2! 
Mark your calendars!  5 minutes will make a difference
for our community and our kids!

Thanks!   --Mohamed

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