INC NEWS - Durham School Board Elections

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Wed Apr 12 21:46:07 EDT 2006

Hello again.

A friend of mine sent the following. It would figure
that the creationist in question is Jackie Waggstaff.
I took Mohamed up on his offer to provide his opinions
on school board candidates, and I've included that
below as well, for anyone who's interested. 

I'm in District 3b. Can anyone confirm that I just
vote for candidates in my own district, or do I vote
for candidates from all districts? (I've never voted
for School Board before.) Thx, Melissa


I was at that forum last night. The bit about
evolution was by Jackie Wagstaff, but I'd wager the
issue will never be taken up by the board. Most board
members and other candidates (including Steve Martin
and Steven Matherly) said they wouldn't tolerate
Creation-teaching. Others said they were going to
avoid discussing the issue at all.


I'm also in district 3, and I think we just vote 
for our district (I've never done it before either!). 
Personally, I really liked Kainz the best.  She seemed
very thoughtful, very knowledgeable, and very
meticulous in everything.  Graham was OK but not
ideal.  Matherly is a bit of a loon, from what I've
heard.  He was even arrested once for disrupting a
school board meeting.

In terms of evolution, Kainz and Matherly were very
much for the teaching of evolution, while Graham
refused to comment.  The one strongly against it was
Wagstaff (for another district).  Two others for other
districts also suggested that it be presented along
with intelligent design.

Hope that helps!   Best wishes,  Mohamed

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