INC NEWS - Hate literature distributed in our neighborhood this morning

John Schelp bwatu at
Sun Apr 16 10:02:05 EDT 2006

> The Police are already looking into this.  Hope to 
> have some news soon.  
> Patrick

Background fyi...

Date: 16 Dec 2005
Subject: car spray painted on Alabama Ave, near Club
(exchange with DPD) 
Dear neighbor,

Below is FYI. If you saw any suspicious activity last
night in the area near Alabama and West Club, please
call the district II police commander at 560-4582.



Hi John:

We have assigned this case to an investigator but we
really have no update at this time.  There are
virtually no leads to work with at this time.  We are
going to have to develop leads.  If you guys know of
any witnesses or anyone who may have a hunch about
someone, we would like to talk to
them...confidentially.  Please have them give me a
call at 560-4582.

You ask if there is an emerging pattern of white
supremacist activity in Durham.  I have been in
District Two for almost three years as commander and a
year as assistant commander before that.  We have had
more incidents reported this year than I can remember.
 I don't know if there is an increase in the activity
or an increase in the reporting of the activity. 
Please assure everyone that we encourage the reporting
of this and take every report seriously.  If there are
community members that may have been watching
suspicious activity at a neighbor's house, but didn't
want to overreact and call...we would like to talk to
them and hear what they are observing.



Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 7:23 AM
To: Sarvis, Ed
Cc: Gus #Beck; Chalmers, Steve; Bill Bell
Subject: 4th white supremacist incident in small area

Capt Sarvis,

I've just been told by two early-morning walkers that
a car on Alabama Ave was spray painted with "KKK" in
orange paint. The car is parked in the first block of
Alabama, just north of West Club.

This represents the 4th white supremacist incident in
a small area of Durham (ie. cross burnings, including
St. Luke's; racist graffiti on Carolina Ave; and white
supremacist newspapers on Englewood).

Would you please investigate this incident and provide
an update? In the past, we've asked if police believe
there in an emerging pattern of white supremacist
activity in Durham and we'd like an update on that
inquiry as well.

thank you,
John Schelp

Bill Bell, mayor
Steve Chalmers, chief
Gus Beck, Watts-Hillandale NA

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