INC NEWS - Anti-Blight Campaign question

RW Pickle randy at
Sun Apr 16 14:48:40 EDT 2006

Maybe it was just timing on Jackies' part, but it seems fit to look at
everything we can do to just make Durham LOOK like a better place. As I
said, with the illegal sign ordinance being enforced, the cars parked in
yards becoming enforced, the thought in this budget cycle trash cans will
finally leave the curbs and the drawn out enforcement of grocery carts
being addressed finally, it's not hard to believe that someone coming to
Durham for the first time might remark "what a nice city this is". We all
live here and already know that it's a nice place, but for someone (and
some of us who see it daily) just seeing this town, it's the visual cues
that give a poor impression. And the indoor furniture (and van seats as
Barry mentions) on porches is also part of this visual problem. Weedy
lots, boarded up houses (I boarded up a house I was working on to sale in
order to keep the bums from moving back in; I painted the plywood the same
color as the house and those folks over in Watts-Hillandale really
appreciated that simple gesture), and the like also contribute to these
visual cues. Housing and Community Development (HCD) has, in the past,
kept the overgrown lot issues under control. But not until they were
reported, owners given a month to get it taken care of, and then HCD going
in and getting done if all else fails. That's just too long and not a
pro-active approach. And it's the same offenders repeating the process
year after year which is just a drain on the manpower even. I regularly
fussed (last year) at the HCD inspector and told him to open his eyes and
pick up these blighted lots himself without the citizenry having to always
report them. It's the same ones every year.

Maybe there needs to be some "three strike" rule and then it hits the fan
for these repeat offenders. I get sick every year hearing about Ronnie
Sturdivant not paying his taxes on the property (Merchant Center) across
from the Police station. It's always been a blight issue with the
appliances, school busses, and the general mess anyone sees as they drive
down Gregson Street past it. But what happens? Not much as I can see. Why?
Maybe everyone is as tired of his antics as I am. And always at the last
minute, just before the Court orders it taken, everything gets paid and it
starts over.

Most of all that has ever been mentioned relative to the "blight" is not
much concern for safety. Illegal signs, cars in yards, trash cans at curbs
aren't really safety issues. They're appearance issues. And you only get
one chance to make a good first impression.

27 Beverly

> We do not have an indoor furniture on the porch  ordinance.  Interestingly
> enough, when Jackie Wagstaff was on Council, she  requested that we look
> into
> such an ordinance and I had actually done the  research and had a copy of
> a
> similar ordinance from Wilson.  When she  lost her re-election bid, the
> initiative
> lost steam.  Is it time to  revisit?

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