INC NEWS - Duke News -- Statement by Richard H. Brodhead on Indictments in Lacrosse Case

Susan Kauffman susan.kauffman at
Tue Apr 18 12:35:42 EDT 2006



Note to editors: Richard H. Brodhead is president of Duke University.

For the past month, Durham and the nation have followed the allegations of
a serious crime involving members of the Duke men’s lacrosse team. The
emerging story has taken new twists and turns virtually every day. In this
situation of inflamed passions and painful uncertainty, I have emphasized
the importance of not rushing to judgment and allowing the legal system to
establish the truth. I’m grateful that other Durham leaders, notably Mayor
Bell and North Carolina Central Chancellor Ammons, have urged patience as

Today the case has taken a new turn: the grand jury handed down indictments
against two students who have since been arrested. District Attorney Nifong
will now have an opportunity to present his case, and we will learn on what
basis he has pressed his charges. We also move from unfocused speculation
about 46 members of the team to the court of law where the guilt or
innocence of the individuals charged will be established. It is worth
reminding ourselves that in our system of laws, a person is presumed
innocent until proven guilty.

Many lives have been touched by this case. It has brought pain and
suffering to all involved, and it deeply challenges our ability to balance
judgment with compassion. As the legal process unfolds, we must hope that
it brings a speedy resolution and that the truth of the events is fully

In the meantime, we have important work to do. The Duke and Durham
communities must restore the bonds this episode has strained and learn
whatever lessons it affords. Building upon the progress that has been made
over the past decades, we must work to create a community that assures
respect and dignity for all.


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