INC NEWS - Duke shouldn't use neighborhood partnership as PR tool(Indy We...

TheOcean1 at TheOcean1 at
Wed Apr 19 18:33:43 EDT 2006

I have to agree with Reyn, if John Burness hasn't been truly passionate, he  
sure had me fooled. But let's remember that John isn't just Duke, he's Durham, 
In fact, many thousands of Durhamites are also part of Duke. I don't work  
for Duke, and have zero affiliation. But for many,.... "they" is actually  "us"
One thing for sure, Durham wouldn't be Durham without the passion of both  
Johns. Too bad we can't bottle it, so Reyn could market it. Everyone in Durham  
would know to expect a spicy, tasty, hot sauce. Outsiders might assume it's an 
 over priced mini bottle of toilet water. Perception is everything, folks, as 
I'm  sure Reyn and both Johns would agree.
Bill Anderson
In a message dated 4/19/2006 4:46:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
Reyn at writes:

You may  be correct John but what we don't know is what question the
reporter posed  to John and in what context.  I suspect he was asked
something about  Duke's relationship with the community and in that
context it was  appropriate to give an example.

John's job is public and community  affairs which transcends but includes
public relations.  He's poured  his heart and soul into the neighborhood
projects and I believe his motives  go to substance as well as good will.
So they logical in his  portfolio.

Reyn Bowman

-----Original Message-----
From:  inc-list-bounces at [mailto:inc-list-bounces at]
On Behalf  Of John Schelp
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:32 PM
To:  inc-list at
Subject: INC NEWS - Duke shouldn't use neighborhood  partnership as PR
tool(Indy Weekly)

Talkback: PR Tool
Independent  Weekly, 19 April 2006

When negative press coverage of the Duke  lacrosse
story first hit the national stage, a Washington Post
reporter  got my number from a local reporter and
called to ask about Duke's  Neighborhood Partnership

When asked what prompted such  a question in the
context of the serious allegations in this story,  the
reporter said he had spoken with Duke Senior Vice
President for  Public Relations, John Burness, who
lauded the partnership and provided the  reporter with
a link to its website.

Duke University should not have  used the neighborhood
partnership as a PR tool in its damage  control

The fact that the partnership initiative functions  as
an extension of Duke's PR department raises questions
about whether  or not it is a genuine partnership. The
events of recent weeks have been  painful and
difficult, evoking strong emotions and exposing  many
tensions and divisions within and between the Duke and
Durham  communities. 

Genuine partners engage in dialogue and express  their
feelings freely. So long as Duke continues to
understand and use  partnership neighborhoods as
extensions of its PR office, true and full  partnership
isn't possible. 

And that, it seems, is both the point  and the problem
with having the Neighborhood Partnership  Initiative
located in Duke's PR office. 

John  Schelp

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