INC NEWS - Its not about personal motives

kjj1 at kjj1 at
Thu Apr 20 11:40:33 EDT 2006


Respectfully, I think it trivializes the issue here when you reduce it to 
"second guess[ing] the motives" of people. I generally agree with you that 
productive civic relationships work best when we are generous in our 
readings of each other, when we assume, until proven wrong, that people do 
come to projects and groups with good intentions and motivations. The issue 
here is about institutional structures and practices--not about individual 
decisions or intentions. Many inequalities are, in fact, 
institutionalized--built into the structures of our organizations and their 
operational and decision-making practices. This is one of the reasons why, 
as the old adage warns us, that the road to hell is paved with good 
intentions. For example, I'm sure that many well-intentioned people who 
were genuinely concerned about poverty, poor housing conditions, inadequate 
transportation infrastructures, etc. were involved in the "urban renewal" 
projects of the 1960s and 70s. I'm sure many of them genuinely wanted to 
produce positive changes in the community. Nonetheless, Haiti was 
essentially destroyed and a highway ran along a racial dividing line right 
through the center of Durham. This is because racial and economic power and 
privilege are distributed and exercised through institutions--businesses, 
governments, and even universities.

So while I agree that it is important to recognize the contributions Duke 
has made to Durham through the Partnership Initiative, I don't think that 
questioning how that Initiative is located and functions within the overall 
structure of Duke is the same as questioning the individual motivations of 
people involved in it.

And because the Initiative is located under the public relations umbrella 
and deployed as a public relations tool, they're perfectly willing and 
capable of tooting their own horns. The problem isn't just that John 
Burness mentions these contributions to put the university in a positive 
light. The problem occurs when--and the recent events surrounding the 
lacrosse team demonstrate this--this spin effectively deflects attention 
away from the very real, very pressing issues that the neighborhoods want 
Duke to address more adequately.

Kelly Jarrett

--On Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:21 AM -0400 Mike - Hotmail 
<mwshiflett at> wrote:

> I also have to believe that each one of us, plays a part in having pride
> in  what we do, whether it's being a neighborhood advocate,  a downtown
> promotor, a Duke relations officer or from the Durham Convention and
> Visitors Bureau.
> But trying to second guess the motives for why a person has the job
> responsibilities, personal motivation or volunteer energy in activism for
> their cause counters the higher moral issue that we all respect the
> differences we bring to the table and trust (as Reyn suggests) that we're
> all doing it in good faith.
> When Duke first initiated the neighborhood partnership back in the last
> 90's  there was a mutual feeling of that trust and good faith.
> Over the years as the Duke-Durham Campaign raised hundreds of thousands
> of  dollars to support stronger communities around Duke it demonstrated
> that it  was willing to put money where it's real heart is.   Duke has
> proven that it  can take those physical dollars and leverage them with
> their administrative  and collective partners in creating an even greater
> benefit to our  neighborhoods sometimes to the point of 6x to 10x with
> 'in-kind'  contributions.
> That's not small change!
> Seeing the many community programs and elementary school improvements
> that  resulted in these actions demonstrates to me (and many others) that
> Duke  should indeed feel proud of the Duke-Durham Neighborhood
> Partnership.
> Just because John Burness has the job responsibilities he has doesn't
> separate him from the fact that he indeed does represent Duke,  and as
> such  has every right to mention the Partnership as an example of what
> Duke does  for it's community in a positive light when asked by a
> reporter to give an  example.
> Mike Shiflett
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Reyn Bowman" <Reyn at>
> To: "Tom Clark" <tomc at>; "'Reyn Bowman'" <Reyn at>;
> "'John Schelp'" <bwatu at>; <inc-list at>;
> <TownGown at>
> Cc: "'Richard Brodhead'" <richard.brodhead at>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:51 PM
> Subject: Re: INC NEWS - Duke shouldn't use neighborhood partnership
> asPRtool(Indy Weekly)
>> Good points and as schelp hopefully knows I wasn't dismissing his point
>> entirely .  I just think with all our differences we need to trust we're
>> all in good faith.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Tom Clark" <tomc at>
>> To: "'Reyn Bowman'" <Reyn at>; "'John Schelp'"
>> <bwatu at>; "inc-list at" <inc-list at>;
>> "TownGown at" <TownGown at>
>> Cc: "'Richard Brodhead'" <richard.brodhead at>
>> Sent: 4/19/06 6:17 PM
>> Subject: RE: INC NEWS - Duke shouldn't use neighborhood partnership as
>> PRtool(Indy Weekly)
>> Reyn,
>> "Logical" for whom?  Just because Duke puts those two jobs in Burness'
>> portfolio, doesn't mean it's good for the community, or even good for
>> Duke.
>> I take Schelp's point to be precisely that if you mix the jobs of
>> community
>> affairs liason (trying to recruit and work with partners towards mutually
>> beneficial ends) and public relations officer (communicator, aka 'spin
>> doctor,' think 'Scott McClellan') you're asking for trouble, or at least
>> ambiguous communications that reflect the two very different jobs--which
>> is
>> exactly what we keep getting from Duke.
>> It would have been fine for Burness to refer the reporter to people
>> involved
>> with the Neighborhood Partnership for testimony as to Duke's record or
>> intentions.  Nothing wrong with Duke saying 'talk to so-and-so, they'll
>> tell
>> we do good.'  But unless I'm asked personally and specifically about a
>> given
>> situation, if I'm a partner with Duke, I begin to feel like Duke is
>> working
>> with me for the purpose of showing off their good intentions, rather than
>> aggressively accomplishing the task we've agreed to do together.
>> TC
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: inc-list-bounces at [mailto:inc-list-bounces at] On
>> Behalf Of Reyn Bowman
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:48 PM
>> To: John Schelp; inc-list at; TownGown at
>> Subject: Re: INC NEWS - Duke shouldn't use neighborhood partnership as
>> PRtool(Indy Weekly)
>> You may be correct John but what we don't know is what question the
>> reporter posed to John and in what context.  I suspect he was asked
>> something about Duke's relationship with the community and in that
>> context it was appropriate to give an example.
>> John's job is public and community affairs which transcends but includes
>> public relations.  He's poured his heart and soul into the neighborhood
>> projects and I believe his motives go to substance as well as good will.
>> So they logical in his portfolio.
>> Reyn Bowman
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: inc-list-bounces at [mailto:inc-list-bounces at]
>> On Behalf Of John Schelp
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:32 PM
>> To: inc-list at
>> Subject: INC NEWS - Duke shouldn't use neighborhood partnership as PR
>> tool(Indy Weekly)
>> Talkback: PR Tool
>> Independent Weekly, 19 April 2006
>> When negative press coverage of the Duke lacrosse
>> story first hit the national stage, a Washington Post
>> reporter got my number from a local reporter and
>> called to ask about Duke's Neighborhood Partnership
>> Initiative.
>> When asked what prompted such a question in the
>> context of the serious allegations in this story, the
>> reporter said he had spoken with Duke Senior Vice
>> President for Public Relations, John Burness, who
>> lauded the partnership and provided the reporter with
>> a link to its website.
>> Duke University should not have used the neighborhood
>> partnership as a PR tool in its damage control
>> efforts.
>> The fact that the partnership initiative functions as
>> an extension of Duke's PR department raises questions
>> about whether or not it is a genuine partnership. The
>> events of recent weeks have been painful and
>> difficult, evoking strong emotions and exposing many
>> tensions and divisions within and between the Duke and
>> Durham communities.
>> Genuine partners engage in dialogue and express their
>> feelings freely. So long as Duke continues to
>> understand and use partnership neighborhoods as
>> extensions of its PR office, true and full partnership
>> isn't possible.
>> And that, it seems, is both the point and the problem
>> with having the Neighborhood Partnership Initiative
>> located in Duke's PR office.
>> John Schelp
>> Durham
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