INC NEWS - Open Letter to Our Community re: racist literature

kjj1 at kjj1 at
Thu Apr 20 12:16:20 EDT 2006

Barry: For those who are interested, below is the URL for a map that lists 
some of the hate groups active in North Carolina.


Kelly Jarrett

--On Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:01 AM -0400 Barry Ragin <bragin at> 

> The Duke Park Neighborhood Association has posted the following on our
> website, and distributed it to local media.
> ============================================
> Open Letter to Our Community
> This past weekend's distribution of hate mail in several Durham
> neighborhoods brought an intense flurry of response from our citizens:
> camaraderie, neighborhood action, proclamations for unity and support.
> The anonymous collections of flyers filled with bigotry and violence
> were quickly labeled for what they were: trash. While the message may
> have attempted to promote division, first reactions of extreme disgust
> turned to conversations of advocacy for continued healing in this
> community and the strengthening of neighborhood relationships.
> Thank you to the Durham Police Department and the many neighbors who
> took time to pick up and discard the trash on Sunday morning. We have no
> doubt that the citizens of Durham will continue to reject this kind of
> bigotry and hatred whenever it appears in our city.
> DPNA Board of Directors
> =========================================
> if anyone would like to add their name or their organization to this
> statement, please email DPNA secretary Claire Doyle at canyonwomn at
> yahoo dot com.
> Barry Ragin
> President, DPNA
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