INC NEWS - [pac2] RE: agenda and proposed resolutions for April 25 meeting

Richard Mullinax rcmj at
Fri Apr 21 08:27:07 EDT 2006

Several of the places used for side of street solicitations are very 
ugly due to trampled landscaped areas and trash. The new ordinance will 
allow the grass to grow back and our gateway areas to become inviting to 
visitors. How much increased costs to manage did we suffer when the 
existing change took place to require badges and reflective vests? Not 
much, and this new change will not cost much either. The current 
solicitors will get the idea and only startup sales will have to be 
ended. The new ordinance will make it easier, because anyone soliciting 
will be dealt with.

The local I-85 at Roxboro solicitor has not been active during the 
construction, and this new ordinance will prevent them from returning. I 
thankfully support the work that has gone into this beautification proposal.

Richard Mullinax
921 N Mangum
Old North Durham

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