INC NEWS - Substance Abuse/MH survey

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Wed May 3 10:58:42 EDT 2006


I've cc'ed your email to the INC listserve to connect neighborhoods to the survey with the hopes that many of them will distribute it to their individual members.

I'll also forward it to the PAC 2 listserve with the hopes that the other PAC's will pick it up.

If you'd like,  why don't you consider coming to the DBAC meeting tomorrow morning to hand them out too? 

Regardless,  I'll make sure it gets mentioned at DBAC.

anything else we can do to help?

your friend,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lloyd Schmeidler 
  To: michael shiflett 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 10:49 AM
  Subject: Substance Abuse/MH survey

  Dear Mike, 

            I need your assistance in getting the word out to the neighborhoods about an online survey that the Partnership for a Healthy Durham's Substance Abuse Committee is distributing. 

            I'm the committee chair and the committee wants to get a better understanding of the community's perceptions and ideas about substance abuse and mental health services in Durham County. 

            The survey takes less than10 minutes to complete and is available online at!sub_mh

            Would it be possible to encourage the participants in the various neighborhood listserves to complete the survey online? 

            I'd encourage you to take the survey yourself to get an idea of the questions being asked so that you can promote the survey well. 

            If it'd be possible to distribute hard copies of the survey at the next INC meeting, we could try to get a representative there also. 

  Thanks for your help and support. 


  Lloyd Schmeidler, Executive Director

  Urban Ministries of Durham

  "Serving the emergency needs of Durham's people"

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