INC NEWS - wrong time for Solid Waste 10 yr. plan meeting

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Thu May 4 10:35:30 EDT 2006

Although the public meeting was lightly attended,  I believe that staff took back a lot of the suggested ideas and thoughts on contingencies that were brought up by the five or six of us that were present.

It was also helpful to have the statistics for 2005 included in the report.

It might be worthwhile for INC to post the worksession and/or presentation to City Council when it's scheduled so others might have a last chance to add to it.

mike shiflett

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: TheOcean1 at 
  To: TheOcean1 at ; randy at ; inc-list at 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 9:59 PM
  Subject: Re: INC NEWS - wrong time for Solid Waste 10 yr. plan meeting

  As a result, Solid waste put on not one, but two quite excellent presentations.
  Just sorry more folks from the community missed them.

  In a message dated 5/3/2006 5:38:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, TheOcean1 at writes:
    Don't wish to add to the confusion, but below is the announcement that went out 4/24

    I think Randy was right the first time!


    City of Durham Hosts 10-Year Solid Waste Management Planning 

    Public Meeting for Citizen Input

    Plan Details City’s Solid Waste Program for Next Decade


    Durham, N.C. – Durham residents interested in providing input into revisions of the City’s 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan will get their chance at a pubic meeting next week.


    The City’s Department of Solid Waste Management will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the Solid Waste Operations Facility Auditorium, located at 1833 Camden Avenue, Durham.  


    The purpose of this meeting is to gather public input for use in revising the City’s 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan, which details solid waste programs and goals, including recycling programs.  By law, the City is required to update the 10-year plan every three years.  


    The City’s Department of Solid Waste Management has already presented the updated plan to all five of the City’s Partners Against Crime (PACS) districts and the Keep Durham Beautiful, Inc. Board of Directors.  The department is scheduled to present the updated plan to the InterNeighborhood Council on Tuesday, April 25 and to the Durham City Council at the Thursday, May 4 Work Session.  A public hearing is being scheduled for Monday, May 15, when Council will consider adopting a resolution approving the plan for submission to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.  The presentation is currently available for review on the City’s website at 


    For more information, contact Anita Daniels, operations and evaluation administrator for the City’s Department of Solid Waste Management, at (919) 560-4186, extension 230 or via e-mail at anita.daniels at


    About the Department of Solid Waste Management

    The City of Durham’s Department of Solid Waste Management promotes and supports a high quality of life for the citizens of Durham by providing comprehensive, responsive, environmentally-safe, efficient and cost-effective solid waste collection, recycling and disposal programs.  Department services include roll-out cart collection, cart delivery and repair service, dumpster collection, cardboard collection, yard waste collection, waste reduction and recycling, bulky item pick-up, the Impact Team, street cleaning and disposal services.  The department also coordinates with and fiscally supports the nonprofit volunteer organization Keep Durham Beautiful, Inc. (KDB), whose mission is to engage and inspire individuals to take greater responsibility for their community environment.  For more information about this department, visit the City’s website at 

    In a message dated 5/3/2006 1:31:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, randy at writes:
      I said it was at 7PM; I was notified by phone (because they saw my post
      reminding of the meeting) that it is 6PM

      Sorry if I cause anyone to miss it.

      27 Beverly

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