INC NEWS - DRAFT April Minutes

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Thu May 11 17:59:32 EDT 2006

Inter-Neighborhood Council
Minutes of Meeting of January 24, 2006

David Harris	Old Farm
Ken Gasch	Colonial Village
Vicki Schneider	Woodlake
Ehsan Rostami	Lassiter
Chris McKeel	Apple Realty
Colin Crossman	Walltown
Randy Pickle	Forest Hills
Rosemarie Kitchin	Falconbridge
Jay Reinstein	City of Durham
Stacey Poston	City of Durham
Mike Woodard	WHHNA
Bill Anderson	Duke Park
Michael Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Cheryl Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Helena Cragg	Old North Durham
Sarah Free	Lassiter Street
Paul Cornsweet	Morehead Hill NA
Risa Foster	Trinity Heights
Janet Hitti	Parkwood
Lugenia Mason	River Forest
Beth Timson	City of Durham
Pat Carstensen	Cross County
Julie Wilburn Peeler	15/501 Homeless Ministry
David Peeler	15/501 Homeless Ministry
Charles Arozamena	15/501 Homeless Ministry
Cathy Abernathy	Hope Valley Neighborhood
Barry Ragin	Duke Park
Thelma White	Emorywood Estate
Adaire Salt	Grove Park
Craigie Sanders	Grove Park
Roy Council	DHA
Melissa Rooney	Fairfield

Introductions – President Mike Woodard opened the meeting.  Members 
introduced themselves.

Public Housing – Roy Council, a DHA Fraud Investigator, talked about his 
work.  With Section 8 housing, both the renter and the housing must meet 
standards, and both enter into contracts with DHA that they will meet these 
standards.  Renters’ standards include ones on noise, unauthorized tenants, 
and drugs;  if tenants don’t meet the standards, they are committing fraud 
and may have to re-pay the amount of their assistance. Landlords who don’t 
deal with problems can lose their ability to rent to Section 8.  Because of 
back-log of applications, DHA is not accepting new ones.

Water Management – Jay Reinstein gave an overview of SWM’s 10-Year Plan 
Update. It doesn’t cover funding, but does cover how we will reduce waste 
and handle what is left.  Public meeting in May 3, and the plan is on the 
website.  They also asked people to get in comments on ordinance by Friday.  
Finally, we passed the following resolution:

INC supports the proposed resolution to City Council on enforcement of solid 
waste violations.

Roadside Selling and Solicitation – After a log of discussion, it was 
decided that we needed more precise language for the resolution so the issue 
is tabled until next month.

Bylaws Change – The section on dues was changed from:
The fiscal year shall run from October 1st through September 30th, and dues 
for the upcoming year shall be due within 90 days of the annual meeting.

The fiscal year shall run from January 1st through December 31st, and dues 
for the upcoming year shall be paid by April 1.

Other Items
1. Dues for 2005-06 are now due.  As of 4/12/06, we have $859.78 in checking 
and $2226.87 in savings.
2. Energy efficiency – Presentation is available from Judy Kincaid.  Also, 
Operation Breakthrough is looking for low-income houses to weatherize.
3. Rental Unit Info – Resolution from last year is tabled due to progress 
being made on the issue.  Walltown is using Google Earth to catalog the 
4. Because of all the interest in Durham from the lacrosse story, the 
Convention  & Visitors has put together a fact sheet.  Please go to:
5. A number of events were mentioned: Festival in the Park at Emorywood, 
streamwatch on NE Creek, showing of Kilowatt Ours, and opening of Senior 

The meeting was adjourned.

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