INC NEWS - [pac2] another landlord question

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Fri May 12 20:34:19 EDT 2006

Hello Nancy and Barry,

I have had some very wonderful conversations with a number of our Animal 
Control folks.  I think that this problem is not their fault.

I remember about 9 months ago when a whole lot of folks, me included, were 
frustrated and down right angry with our zoning enforcement folks for not 
enforcing the land use provision that prohibits parking in yards.  In 
January of this year something changed.  We noticed that all of a sudden, 
our zoning enforcement folks were getting cars off the yards of house after 

Why this sudden change?  Answer: Zoning can now charge up to $500 per day 
per vehicle in violation.

Money talks and (you know what) walks!!!

Here is how the saga will play out with animal control if you are bothered 
by a barking dog.  If you are able to make a video tape of a dog barking 
once a minute for ten minutes, you can submit that tape to Animal Control. 
They will review the tape and fine the dog owners $50.  If the problem 
persists, you need to make another tape.  This time, the fine will be $100. 
If the problem persists, you need to make a third tape.  This time, the fine 
will be $150.  Fourth tape?  Nope!  After these three fines, it is up to the 
citizen to take civil action.

All this making and watching tapes is a waste of time and the fines are not 
sufficient to correct the behavior.  Also, I submit that the dogs are 
barking through the night for some reason that is not being mentioned.

It is important to mention that the underlying reason as to why these dogs 
bark (1705 Avondale) is because they are both affixed to 10-foot steel 
chains.  This practice is cruel and creates dangerous animals from social 
creatures.  Current animal control ordinance is not sufficient to protect 
our city's dogs from this practice.  The ordinance is also not sufficient to 
protect our city's peace and quite.  I think the time is ripe to address 
these inadequacies in county code.  I believe that the Inter-Neighborhood 
Council is the best vehicle for this drive.  Many of our elected officials 
are animal lovers as are many of our citizens.  Affecting these needed 
changes is our duty as good citizens.  Please consider bringing this concern 
to INC.  Our next meeting is May 23rd at 7 PM in the Community Room of the 
Herald Sun building on Pickett Road.  For directions, go to


Ken Gasch

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