INC NEWS - Transporation, Duke, and You

John Schelp bwatu at
Wed May 17 12:28:21 EDT 2006

David Garfield <dag23 at> wrote:


More out of frustration than anything, I've found my
self as the coordinator for the Duke Transportation
Advisory Committee (DTAC). DTAC is made up of
undergraduates, grad students, staff, and faculty and
our job is to advise the university's transportation
department on how they could make our lives easier. 
In year's past our mission has been frustrated by a
transportation department faced with the continual
conflict between the need to provide transportation
while operating with as little loss as possible, two
goals that on paper are usually incompatible.

The Duke Lacrosse scandal has, oddly, opened up an
opportunity for better connections between Durham and
Duke.  Duke right now is looking for ways to improve
the Town-Gown relationship.  We would like to pitch to
the university administration that one way of
improving relations is to improve transportation.

This is of obvious benefit for those of at Duke who
live in Durham as it would make it possible to get to
Duke without using a car.  But it is also of benefit
to the community for two main reasons:

1) Members of the community will have better access to
the resources at Duke
2) There will be more ways for members of the Duke
community, especially undergraduates, to get into the
community to
      a) spend money
      b) see just how much Durham has to offer.

I'm asking you, members of the community, for

Q:  How could better transportation at Duke help you?
Q:  What sort of transportation resources would be
most helpful to you?  Better bike access?  Buses?

I'll also take any other suggestions regarding
locations in Durham that would be best connected to
Duke.  Please forward to anyone you know who may be

Thanks for your time,

David Garfield
Department of Biology
Duke University
<dag23 at>

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