INC NEWS - Solid Waste Director leaving

TheOcean1 at TheOcean1 at
Wed May 17 22:38:49 EDT 2006


I have no more details than you do, really didn't even have time  to form an 
opinion of Jackson. 
 But even the best ideas must run a specific course in an organization  as 
large as the City government. Having great ideas is only one of the  attributes 
of a great department head, working within the system is the  other.
 We shouldn't speculate, or even try to form an opinion about this  until 
some details are known. More than any city in the country right now, I  would 
think Durham should have learned that recently, if nothing else.
 Let's wait to hear some details before we draw conclusions.
In a message dated 5/17/2006 9:47:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
randy at writes:

It has  come to me from 3 sources now that our new Solid Waste Director,
the fellow  I just applauded for what he was trying to do, is leaving/has
left. Fired  one source says, resigned another, and yet another unknown.

If this  happens because trash doesn't get picked up one day, the next time
it  happens I expect the runs on the ladder to start getting shorter as
well  from those that are left in charge. There is just no excuse for  this.
Someone needs to respond to why an innovative thought like "work 40  hours
get paid for 40 hours" doesn't make sense. I did hear that in an act  of
dissent, a group of 15 or so workers in trucks with horns blasting,  played
parking lot rodeo in the Administration parking lot the other day. I  say
send them to the house and get some people in there who will get the  job
done. Regardless. Not temps, not contractors, but workers who believe  that
they should be paid for what they do, not what they don't.

Here  two of us citizens (Ken and myself) who both thought his actions were
well  placed. Perhaps those left in the wake of this shocker can explain.
Not  just some story to make us feel better, but tell us what happened  that
caused a man who I labeled as "Action" to leave. Are we just stuck  with
doing the same old stuff?

27  Beverly

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