INC NEWS - Agenda May 23 (this time I'll do it correctly)

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Thu May 18 18:41:23 EDT 2006

InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
Monthly meeting on Tuesday May 23, 2006
7-9pm in the Community Room
HERALD-SUN Building (2828 Pickett Road)
Refreshments are provided

Welcome and Introductions (10 min)	    Mike Woodard, President

Discussion Items / Presentations
q Updating INC’s Priorities (30 minutes)	All
In 2004, we created a list of program and organizational objectives (e.g. 
review UDO, produce newsletter).   It is time to update the list.

q Meals on Wheels (5 minutes)

q Service Delivery Standards and One-Call (15 minutes)
See attached

Updates  (40 min)

q Minutes and Treasurer’s Report            	Pat  / Randy
q Neighborhood Hero Awards
q Nominating Committee
q Panhandling Resolution (no voting until June)
q Renters’ Videotape
q Public Access to Police Database
q Summary Ejection Campaign
q Other updates and new business

Announcements / Events (5 min)

q Run-off Election for House 29 – May 30
q Water, Use It Wisely Event – June 3, Durham Ag Building

For additional information, contact Mike Woodard at mike at
To update information on your neighborhood, neighbors at or 

"Only in the continuous encounter with other persons, does the person become 
and remain a person.
The place of this encounter is the community"


Whereas: Citizens need a way to track their service requests made to 
Housing, Zoning, Solid Waste and other city/county departments,

Whereas: When service requests become lost in the system, there may not be 
follow through,

Whereas: Citizens get discouraged when the work isn't completed,

We resolve that: Durham One Call organizes "Service Delivery Standards," for 
consistencies in city/county departmental service performances and to allow 
citizens to track such performance of service requests through the system. 
Furthermore, we propose that the County be strongly encouraged to join the 
Durham One Call program in order to make county functions easily accessible 
to the entire Durham community.

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