INC NEWS - Mosquito Control Measures

Laura Drey lkdrey2 at
Mon May 22 19:34:36 EDT 2006

Mosquito Control
     You can help decrease the number of mosquitoes by limiting their
breeding sites.  Spring is the time to begin taking action.  Check carefully
for standing water in your yard than drain or fill areas where stagnate
water has been located.  Empty, remove, cover or turn upside-down any
container that will hold water.  A bottle cap can hold enough water for
mosquitoes to breed.  Clogged roof gutters are a key source for mosquitoes.
If you have any culverts or ditches try to clean them so that water moves
     B.t. granules or doughnuts can help combat mosquito larvae where water
cannot be removed.  People exposed to B.t. have said that there have been a
number of health problems associated with their exposure to B.t.  If you
have asthma or your immune system is compromised do not use B.t. B.t. is
less toxic to mammals and shows fewer environmental effects than many
synthetic insecticides.
The following is a list of common mosquito breeding sites (because they hold
water) and what can be done to prevent the problem and thus fight West Nile
# 1 Clean roof gutters and downspouts;
Over-irrigated lawns and fields;
Discard old tires or store them inside. Discarded tires should be  sent to
approved disposal sites or reclamation centers;
Repair leaky plumbing and outside faucets;
Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks;
Keep grass cut and bushes trimmed;
Remove leaf piles frequently;
Reduce amount of ivy or grow a different type of plant;
Empty, clean and refill birdbaths twice weekly and small wading pools
Clear catch basins at road corners, street gutters and leaf-filed drains;
Empty cans, jars, tin cans, watering cans, buckets, wheelbarrows,  tilt-up
carts, and saucers under potted plants and other      containers that might
collect water;
Change water and scrub vases holding flowers or cuttings twice each week, or
grow cuttings in sand;
Drain outlets from air conditioners;
Connect wastewater drains to approved sewage disposal systems;
Avoid littering;
Store wheelbarrows, canoes and boats upside-down;
Secure swimming pool covers tightly;
Stock ornamental ponds with fish that eat mosquito larvae;
Fill holes in trees with sand or mortar; drain or spray them as required.
Bats control mosquitoes by eating them. Bathouses are available from the
home improvement stores or one may build their own.*  Place bat  houses on a
nail about 10-12 feet up and hung the bathouse as directed.  If it is in a
somewhat open area, the bats will eventually find it and move in. According
to directions in may take up to a year.*For information on design,
construction and use of bat houses, check with Bat Conservation
International. Bathouse kits may also be purchased through them.
For more information on mosquitoes and other pests and how to handle them in
the least toxic way contact:  Agricultural Resources   (967-1186)
Compiled by Laura Drey

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