INC NEWS - INC's first project as a group needs your help

RW Pickle randy at
Thu May 25 14:02:17 EDT 2006

The following is an email detailing what the Litter Index is, when it
takes place, why it is necessary, and how INC as a group might help. This
idea of INC getting involved came while attending the Solid Waste 10 year
plan public hearing. Mike and Cheryl Shifflet, Bill Anderson, and myself
were the only citizens at the meeting. We had already seen the
presentation at least once, so it became an informal discussion while the
presentation was given. The idea that INC as a group could do something
sounded like a positive thing. So that is why I mentioned it at the last
meeting. We don't have deep pockets to help out much in the financial
arena, but our strength is in neighborhoods like yours and mine. And here
is how you can help.

I guess I can be the point person for this project. So when you read her
email, please consider giving up a little time to help one day with the
Litter Index. This will be the second time this has been done so we'll get
to see if litter is better or worse in a years time.

Randy Pickle
for INC

Dear Keep Durham Beautiful Supporters:

A year ago, we were still struggling to complete the requirements for
certification and nonprofit status.  Today, we are an award winning
certified affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, as well as a recognized
501 (c)(3)!

In order to maintain our status as an affiliate of good standing (for
which we won an award in January!), we need to complete our Annual
Litter Index.  It would be impossible to do this index without the help
and support of our community volunteers!

This index is a way of quickly and reliably assessing the litter
situation in our community with the aim of achieving long-term,
sustainable results in education and abatement.  Visually assessing the
community is an essential part of the education planning process.  The
data gathered by conducting the Litter Index will help us determine the
types of litter prevention and community improvement programs to
implement locally.  Over time, comparisons of the yearly Litter Index
data can be used to evaluate program results and identify what works
locally to change attitudes and behaviors regarding litter and related
community improvement issues.

We invite you to take part in the Litter Index by joining us on June
21st at the City's Department of Solid Waste Management Operations
Facility, located at 1833 Camden Avenue, Durham.  At various times
during the day, teams will watch a short video, telling you how to
perform the index, then tour a part of Durham to assess the level of
litter in our community.  We'll also provide you with a quick snack.
The results of the Litter Index will help Durham, and Keep Durham
Beautiful, for many years to come.

The Litter Index would be impossible without your help and support!  For
more information or to reserve a place on one of the teams, contact
Dorothea Pierce, Keep Durham Beautiful Executive Director, by e-mail at
dorothea at or by telephone at 919-560-4186 x252.
There are a finite number of seats available so please reserve yours

Thank you for contributing your time and your support to Keep Durham
Beautiful, I hope to see many of you on June 21st!

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