INC NEWS - proposed Solid Waste Violation Tag

RW Pickle randy at
Thu Jun 8 15:11:01 EDT 2006

This is the proposed Violation Tag that Solid Waste will be using if and
when we get a Solid Waste Code Enforcement (in the budget right now, but
they're looking to cut $6M more so no idea if it'll get tossed or not) and
if the enforcement rule changes are passed by Council this month. The only
thing missing in what you'll see below is the City Seal that will be at
the top of the tag. It is intended for use with all enforcement
activities, including notice on carts at the curb, and would be in Spanish
as well as English.  It would be in duplicate or triplicate to provide the
necessary number of copies. (Of course it'll look like a tag, this is just
the text it wil contain.)

I'm posting it here for comments. No reason to reply "great" of anything
like that. Just if you see something missing that might be important to
add, please let me know.

27 Beverly

DRAFT 5/22/06
            Department of Solid Waste Management

                     NOTICE OF VIOLATION

               Date:  ____________________     Time:

Name and/or Address of Violator:

You have violated the following section(s) of Chapter 10 of
the Durham City Code or
rule(s) of the Department:
_____Sec. 10-34/61       Business using carts instead of
required dumpster
_____Secs. 10-50/59.1/72 Recyclables not separated from
garbage (cart)
_____Sec. 10-59.3        Recyclables not separated from
garbage (dumpster)
_____Sec. 10-66          Cart/bin at street/sidewalk on non-
collection day
_____Secs. 10-100/108.1  Illegal
dump/setout/littering/garbage bags on ground

You are subject to a $50 fee or court action for repeat
violation of the specified section(s)/rule(s).  The
Department will bill you for the fee if it is imposed.
If action is required below, you must perform it by the
specified deadline.  If you
do not, the Department will perform the action and bill you
for the costs.

$50 Fee Imposed?         Yes _____  No _____

Action Required?         Yes _____  No _____
If Yes, you must do the following:
By this deadline:

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.  For
additional information, please contact:
Name _____________________________________ at Tel No.

Enforcement Officer/Director Designee

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