INC NEWS - INC priorities, Parks and Rec calendar

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sun Jun 18 13:20:41 EDT 2006

I was told that the priorities we voted on in May were hidden in the minutes 
so I am resending them.  Also I neglected to include the web address for the 
parks and rec calendar, which is

Neighborhood Priorities – We brainstormed and voted on issues   The results:
1. Continuously chained dogs (17 votes)
2. Drug houses I Section 8 property (10)
3. Landlord responsibility for rental property (9)
4. Redevelopment of vacant commercial property near neighborhoods (8)
5. Single family houses used as multifamily houses (7)
6. Gateway beautification (7)
7. Boarded up houses (6)
8. Street maintenance (6)
9. Maintenance of street trees (5)
10. Streetscape / underground utilities (5)
11. Loud music from autos (4)
12. Demolition of substandard (mostly) rental property (4)
13. Afterschool in neighborhoods (4)
14. Leaf pick up (4)
15. Clean energy / solar (3)
16. Education about nuisance property (3)
17. Trash cans at curb (3)
18. Local public transportation (3)
19. Regional public transportation (2)
20. Uniform street names (2)
21. Better access to police data (2)
22. Partner with other community groups (2)
23. Partnership to fight poverty (2)
24. Parking in yards (2)
25. Satellite dishes in front yard (2)
26. ID / attire for meter readers (1)
27. Easy of rezoning (too easy/) (1)
28. Help organize neighborhoods (1)
29. Neighborhoods interaction to city center (1)
30. Subdivision of lots / infill (1)
31. Better transportation to outlying areas (1)

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