INC NEWS - Drug Arrest at 2612 Shenandoah Ave

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Mon Jun 19 20:13:53 EDT 2006

Dear Ms. Gerald,

As you may already know from reading today's Herald Sun Crime Log, a drug arrest was recently made at 2612 Shenandoah.  I understand, from speaking with several neighbors, that the tenant is currently receiving Section 8 rental assistance through the DHA.  Please terminate that rental assistance in accordance with DHA policy.

I hope that our Durham Housing Authority goes to extraordinary lengths to point out that engaging in criminal activity on-premise can result in rental assistance termination. This education alone could drastically reduce the occurrence. The Section 8 program is vital for many of our city's citizens. Each time our Police seize narcotics in a Section 8 property, the reputation of this important program is damaged. 

Every public program must compete regularly for its share of limited public funds. When public perceptions of certain programs are damaged, this could make it difficult for a program to subsequently complete for these funds. 

If the DHA would like help from PAC2 in reducing the number of Section 8 properties involved in the illegal drug trade, please let me know and I will be delighted to put you in touch with the appropriate persons.  


Ken Gasch 
Partners Against Crime - Police District 2

The Herald-Sun
June 18, 2006   
Gun and drug charges filed 
Shauntisha Lyvette Melvin was charged over the weekend with multiple gun and drug offenses, including possessing 14 pounds of marijuana and trafficking in that drug, warrants stated. 
Bond for Melvin, 28, of 2612 Shenandoah Ave., was set at $12,000. 
Warrants indicated that the charges against Melvin included possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, carrying a concealed Glock semiautomatic firearm, maintaining a dwelling and a vehicle for drug sales, conspiring to deliver marijuana, trafficking in marijuana and possessing a stolen 12-gauge shotgun. 
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