INC NEWS - action: pls place committed elements on Scott King, case Z05-35 (due June 26)

John Schelp bwatu at
Fri Jun 23 15:58:06 EDT 2006


Oftentimes, re-zoning cases come up and people want to
help. But they're not sure what to say about a
particular case. Here's an opportunity to help a
community in southern Durham, near Northeast Creek.

Please cut and past the message below (add your own
words if you like) and email to the Board of County
Commissioners by Monday, June 26 at noon.

FYI, more background is below.

have a good weekend,

John Schelp
Friends of South Ellerbe Creek


Cut & paste

TO: lcheek at, prcousin at,
beckymheron at, mpage at,
ereckhow at, mruffin at,
bwatu at

SUBJ: pls place committed elements on Scott King (case

The proposed Scott King development should either have
major changes or be denied outright unless the
following elements are committed and placed on the

* Follow the Army Corps of Engineers formal request
for a 100 ft. buffer adjacent to hunting lands and
their above-minimum treatment of stormwater and silt.

* Leave the land (a Durham County Inventory site)
south of the cross-country powerline as permanent
undisturbed open space with a conservation easement.

* Commit to a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet
or create a true Conservation Subdivision.

* Respect the natural grade of the land - no mass



The rezoning site is on Scott King Road about 1/4 mile
from the American Tobacco Trail.

* This rezoning request was turned down 12-0 by the
planning commission.

* This is a dangerous place to put houses. The
property is bisected by both high voltage power line
and a main gas pipe line. The property is surrounded
on three sides by gamelands (open to hunting).

* The property was chosen as part of Durham County
Inventory of Important Natural Areas, Plants and
Wildlife written by Stephen Hall and Robert Sutter
1999, and funded by North Carolina Natural Heritage
Program, The Land Conservancy, Durham County and the
Durham County Review Committee.

While this land has been clear cut it is still the
upland refuge for the animals in the lowlands, and
will in time if left alone regenerate.

For more info on this please call or email Colleen
Haithcock (Colleen at or 544-2346).


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