INC NEWS - County Commissioners vote to defer projects (today's Herald-Sun)

John Schelp bwatu at
Tue Jun 27 10:11:31 EDT 2006

Good news from last night's BOCC meeting. Many thanks
to those who submitted emails on the Scott King case.



County Commissioners vote to defer projects
Herald-Sun, 27 June 2006

...The commissioners deferred approval of two
developments at different stages, both of which were
opposed by neighbors over density and environmental
concerns. In both cases, developers were told to meet
with affected residents to discuss their worries. 

The board deferred approving a preliminary plat for an
86-lot subdivision on 91.5 acres north of Erwin Road
in west Durham until July 24. Nearby residents said
the land has streams and trees that need protecting
and warned the development would bring an unsafe
amount of traffic to Erwin Road. 

Ben Atwater, the developer's attorney, said most of
the issues raised would be addressed during the later
permitting process. 

The board also put off voting on a request to rezone
44 acres along Scott King Road in southern Durham
until August. The request, to allow construction of an
88-home subdivision, will come back to the board Aug.
28. Developer Bill Ripley [Indigo Corners] had offered
a reduction to 74 units, but was told more changes
were needed and was directed to meet with neighbors,
who insisted the development was too dense. 

The vote to delay passed 3-1, with Commissioner Becky
Heron voting against, having recommended outright
denial. Commissioner Philip Cousin was absent. 

Liz Pullman, a resident of Scott King Road, blasted
the proposal as "a scheme to get land rezoned and turn
it over to a developer with no strings attached." 

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