INC NEWS - Popular Neighborhood College taking applications for fall

John Schelp bwatu at
Sat Jul 1 16:09:22 EDT 2006

Program taking fall applications 
Herald-Sun, 1 July 2006

Durham Neighborhood College -- a series of classes
that teach residents about the workings of their city
and county governments -- is accepting applications
for the fall 2006 semester. 

The program teaches about local government through
sessions run by local government officials, according
to a press release from the city and county. 

There are 25 positions in the program, which begins
Sept. 14 and consists of 10 sessions, nine from 6 to
8:30 p.m. on Thursday nights and one on a Saturday
morning. Students must attend eight sessions to
complete it. 

The program costs $25; five need-based scholarships
are available. 

On the Web: 

Applications available at or 

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