INC NEWS - DRAFT June minutes

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sun Jul 2 15:37:56 EDT 2006

I'll send out a revised resolution on dog chaining next.  Please let me know 
of any corrections.  Thanks, pat


Inter-Neighborhood Council
Minutes of Meeting of June 27, 2006

David Harris	Old Farm
Ken Gasch	Colonial Village
Marguerite Ward	Pickett Rd.
Joe Chambliss	Forest Hills Neighborhood
Amanda Arnington	Pickett Rd.
Casey Arnington	Pickett Rd.
Randy Pickle	Forest Hills
Fuller Sasser	American Village
Emily Weinstein	EANG – Solterra
Thelma Glenn White	Emorywood Estate
Mike Woodard	WHHNA
Bill Anderson	Duke Park
Michael Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Cheryl Shiflett	Northgate Park NA
Dick Mentock	Hope Valley Farms
Stacey Poston	City of Durham
Risa Foster	Trinity Heights
Janet Hitti	Parkwood
Pat Carstensen	Cross County
Annette Smith	Durham Parks and Rec
Jonathan Freeze	Durham CVB
Jason Carter	Durham CVB
Shelly Green	Durham CVB
Reyn Bowman	Durham CVB
Craigie Sanders	Grove Park
Melissa Rooney	Fairfield NA

Introductions – President Mike Woodard opened the meeting.  Members 
introduced themselves.

Durham Brand – A brand is a consistent way to talk about your product – not 
an ad campaign or a logo but the promises you want to make and can deliver.  
It is hard to do an integrated brand when you are diverse, but the Durham 
Convention and Visitors Bureau is working on it, and we spent some time 
talking about how we see Durham.  Public results will be available this 

One Call Standards – The resolution on Durham One Call and service standards 
passed.  See Appendix A.

Dog Chaining Resolutions – See Appendix B.  Randy will get the text for the 
current guidelines on dog chaining.  There was concern that people who can’t 
chain their dogs will let the dogs roam.  Maybe it is as important to do 
more education, as well as encourage enforcement.  Pat will add a "whereas" 
about good ideas from other jurisdictions.

Davidson Street Rezoning – The neighborhood is still figuring out what to 
ask INC to do.

Neighborhood Mini-grants from Durham Affordable Housing Coalition – Great 
opportunity for your neighborhood or areas near your neighborhood.  Pat will 
ask Lorisa for details to post to list-serve.

Other Items
1. We approved the May minutes.  Dues for 2005-06 are now due.  As of 
6/12/06, we have $1045.95 in checking and $2227.25 in savings.
2. Neighborhood Hero Awards – Ad ran so nominations are open.
3. Nominating Committee – Being on Executive Committee is a great 
experience, so please consider running or nominating your friends.
4. Mailboxes vandalized in one neighborhood.
5. St. Teresa is organizing as a neighborhood.
6. Stacey mentioned holiday schedule for solid waste.
7. Planning is starting for the East End Connector.
8. Appearance Commission  has finished their survey and the report has 
started circulating.
9. Various entertainments (Festival for the Eno, Concerts in the Park, July 
4th festivities) were mentioned.  See
10. We are trying for a national award on the number of neighborhoods for 
National Night Out so get your application in.
11. There is a new program for communities building projects to improve 
their parks.
12. Neighborhood College is gearing up.  See
13. Graduate from being a resident to being a citizen – get on a board or 

The meeting was adjourned.

Attachment A: One Call Resolution

Whereas: Citizens need a way to monitor their service requests made to
Housing, Zoning, Solid Waste and other city/county departments, and get 
discouraged when the work isn't completed

Whereas: When service requests become lost in the system, there may not be 
follow through,

Whereas: Unified call systems are an important way to get a "report card" on 
the effectiveness of city services.  That is, if there are standards -- for 
example, how long it takes to handle requests -- and we monitor how well 
they are met, citizens will have assurance that requests are being handled 
in a timely fashion and will know how long to wait before following up on 

Whereas: This monitoring is equally important for county and city/county 
departments, such as zoning.

We resolve that: Durham One Call organizes "Service Delivery Standards," for 
consistencies in city/county departmental service performances and to allow 
citizens to monitor such performance of service requests through the system. 
Furthermore, we propose that the County be strongly encouraged to join the 
Durham One Call program in order to make county functions easily accessible 
to the entire Durham community.

Attachment B: Dog Chaining Resolution (as of June 27)

Whereas:  The practice of chaining dogs can be destructive to communities 
because dogs become more aggressive and dangerous when not adequately 

And, because barking is increased due to boredom and sadness.

And also, increased strain is put on Animal Control and Durham Police 
Department Personnel who must deal with citizen complaints pertaining to the 
problems associated with chained dogs.

Whereas, Durham County currently has guidelines [Section 4-62 (6)] as to how 
a dog can be chained or tethered but is inadequate in protecting dogs and 
unsuccessful in allowing animal control officers to efficiently enforce and 
sufficiently punish those that break the law.

Whereas, this practice of chaining dogs is considered to be inhumane, cruel 
and callous.

Therefore, we, the member neighborhoods of The Inter-Neighborhood Council 
resolve that Durham County adopt an ordinance that completely bans the 
continuous chaining of dogs at any location within the County and for any 

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