INC NEWS - Dog Chaining Ordinance

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sun Jul 2 16:05:12 EDT 2006

The amended text is below.  I am using the UN method of bracketting with 
[[....]] stuff that is new.  This e-mail also contains the text of the 
current Durham ordinance and an example from Arkansas.  Thanks to Amanda 
Arrington for her investigations on this.  Regards, pat


New Version of Dog Chaining Resolution

Whereas:  The practice of chaining dogs can be destructive to communities 
because dogs become more aggressive and dangerous when not adequately 

And, because barking is increased due to boredom and sadness.

And also, increased strain is put on Animal Control and Durham Police 
Department Personnel who must deal with citizen complaints pertaining to the 
problems associated with chained dogs.

Whereas, Durham County currently has guidelines [Section 4-62 (6)] as to how 
a dog can be chained or tethered but is inadequate in protecting dogs and 
unsuccessful in allowing animal control officers to efficiently enforce and 
sufficiently punish those that break the law.

[[Whereas other jurisdictions have good ordinances we can use as examples of 
how to trade off animal welfare and practicalities for owners.  For example, 
Maumelle, Arkansas specifies a minimum size of pens.]]

Whereas, this practice of chaining dogs is considered to be inhumane, cruel 
and callous.

Therefore, we, the member neighborhoods of The Inter-Neighborhood Council 
resolve that Durham County adopt an ordinance that completely bans the 
continuous chaining of dogs at any location within the County and for any 

Current Durham Ordinance
Article III. Animal Abuse – Section 4-62. General Care, prohibited acts.

6) "Chaining or tethering an animal to a stationary object for a period of 
time or under conditions that an animal control officer or animal cruelty 
investigator deems harmful or potentially harmful to the animal. Examples of 
improper chaining or tethering include, but are not limited to the 
a.   Using a length or weight of a chain or tether that is not appropriate 
for the size, weight and age of the animal. Guidelines for the proper weight 
and length of chains or tethers can be obtained from the animal shelter or 
animal control.
b.   Using a chain or tether made of rope, twine, cord or similar material.
c.   Using a chain or tether that is less than ten feet in length and/or 
does not have swivels on both ends. All chains or tethers must be attached 
to the animal by means of a properly fitting harness or collar of not less 
than one inch in width.
d.   Using a chain or tether than exceeds ten percent of the animal's body 
e.   Allowing an animal to be chained or tethered such that the animal is 
not confined to the owner's property or such that the chain or tether can 
become entangled and prevent the animal from moving about freely, lying down 
comfortably or having access to adequate food, water and shelter.
f.   Using a chain as a primary collar. All collars used for the purpose of 
chaining or tethering an animal must be made of nylon or leather."

"Confinement of Animals: from and after the passage of this Ordinance, any 
person owning animals whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, licensed or 
unlicensed, shall confine such animal within an adequate fence or enclosure, 
or withing a house, garage, or other building in conformance with Maumelle 
Bill of Assurance or its successor.  Animals shall not be tied or chained to 
doghouses, or other stationary objects, but must be in an approved 
enclosure.  Sterilized cats are exempt from confinement."

The ordinance also mandates that dog enclosures must provide at least 150 
sq. ft. of space for dogs over 6 months of age.

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