INC NEWS - Meeting follow-up -- Durham Affordable Housing Coalition minigrants

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Sun Jul 2 16:20:35 EDT 2006

I believe Lorisa sent this out earlier but I am re-sending as follow-up to 
June meeting.  DAHC's website is, but there isn't 
info on the mini-grant program there yet.

Regards, pat


  Durham Affordable Housing Coalition (DAHC) seeks support for a proposed 
Neighborhood Mini-Grants Program.  If funded by the City Housing & Community 
Development Dept., this program will help eight (8) neighborhood or block 
groups complete at least 16 community beautification projects and 16 minor 
home repair or handicap accessibility projects from July 2006–June 2007.

Eight (8) Neighborhood Mini-Grants of up to $5,000 will support:

* At least two (2) beautification projects of up to $500 each for painting, 
yard work, clean ups, planting of flowers & shrubs, and other activities.  
(Painting must be done lead-safe.  Residents are responsible for maintenance 
of beautification projects, especially plantings.)  Total up to $1,000 for 
beautification projects

* At least two (2) home repair or handicap accessibility projects of up to 
$2,000 per home for low-income elderly or disabled homeowners.  In addition, 
up to $500/home for low-income elderly or disabled renters can be used for 
handicap accessibility improvements.  (Other repairs to rental homes are the 
responsibility of the owner.)  Total up to $4,000 for home repair projects

The pilot Neighborhood Mini-Grants Program will fund at least one grant 
within each of the City’s five Partners Against Crime (PAC) Districts.  DAHC 
will work closely with the PACs and City Housing staff to help neighborhoods 
or block groups apply.

DAHC suggests consideration of the following criteria for Neighborhood 
* Small target area in need of revitalization or already targeted by the 
City for housing and/or economic development.
* Organized neighborhood association, block group, and/or Neighborhood 
* Volunteers from the neighborhood, community, faith-based, and youth 
* Local businesses and contractors donating to a project.
* Beautification projects on a major neighborhood street, institution or 
* Very low income elderly and disabled homeowners eligible for the Volunteer 
Home Repair Program.

Neighborhoods and block groups can help now with DAHC's Volunteer Home 
Repair Program.  The City provides funds for volunteers to repair about 30 
homes each year.  This program only serves very low income elderly and 
disabled homeowners.

During the week of June 17-24, 2006, DAHC will partner with World Changers, 
Yates Baptist Association, TROSA, Rebuilding Together, and Habitat to help 
15 homeowners with 9 roofs, 4 ramps, and 1 set of steps.  In March 2006, 
more than 150 volunteers from SWOOP, PAC 1, & Keep Durham Beautiful helped 
10 residents.  Our May 2005 workday was a partnership with the St. Teresa 
Neighborhood, Forest Hills Neighborhood, PAC 4, SWOOP, City Council, Impact 
Team/Solid Waste/Yard Waste, Police, and Housing & Community Development.

PLEASE CONTACT:  Lorisa Seibel, Lorisa at, 683-1185 ext. 25
Durham Affordable Housing Coalition, 331 W. Main St., Durham, NC 27701

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