INC NEWS - dues are past due

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Jul 12 01:13:12 EDT 2006

There are a number of neighborhoods who have yet to send in their dues
this year. Without going into listing a bunch of names, please check your
records to see that payment has been sent. Dues were due more than a few
months ago (I know, we were late in getting the notices out by a few
months as well) and with the new by-law change, will be due again the
first of the year. Our new year for dues follows the calendar year
beginning in 2007. So this year dues were due back in Oct. So you've
picked up a couple of extra months as it is when we changed the bylaws.
Without your support (both physically and with your dues), we could not do
as much as we are doing. If you're uncertain if your neighborhood has sent
in their dues, just ask and I'll be glad to check.

RW Pickle
INC Treasurer
27 Beverly Drive
Durham, NC 27707

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