INC NEWS - my thoughts on pessimists

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Thu Jul 13 09:43:10 EDT 2006

i would suggest making a post to the INC list that talks about this dog and it's condition.  
the e-mail to post is   inc-list at
also, a letter to the editor might be a great idea right about now.  perhaps make it speak to education and why folks should not chain dogs.  socialize, mean, dangers, in-humane.  etc.   keep it respectful and moderate.  250 words is the HS limit.  page to submit letter is: 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: amanda arrington 
  To: Ken Gasch 
  Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:00 AM
  Subject: Re: my thoughts on pessimists

  i am glad to hear your son is doing better - what he has sounds very bad.

  i will definitely pick your brain at some point and completely understand that your time is limited - you are involved in so many other efforts. 

  the situation i am involved with that i mentioned in an earlier email is a perfect example of how important community education is and will be. the lady who now has the dog is the lady who discovered how bad of shape the dog was in.  she is not the ideal situation for the dog but has good intentions (she was very upset when she discovered the neck injuries and very adament about the dog receiving medical attention).  she is like a sponge absorbing all of the information and instructions i am giving her regarding how to treat the dog.  she honestly is ignorant as to how a dog should be cared but eager to do the right thing.  it really blows my mind that there are people that think if they feed a dog and give it water they are taking care of it - they are completely oblivious to the emotional, preventative health, and psychological needs of dogs. 

  btw, i like the quote - i may steal it from you in the future :)

  Ken Gasch <ken.gasch at> wrote:
    i will try to come on sat.  though, it is unlikely that i will be able to make it.  all week, the little dude has been sick with hand, feet and mouth disease.  sounds like something cows get?  it is nasty.  he has been crying and week.  he is getting better now.  unfortunatley, i have not be able to work much.  call me and we can visit about this project if you like.  if i have any ideas, i will certainly share.  i think the key to working out a good program is just having enough heads working on it.  INC and PACII would be delighted to participate in working to get any info out via the lists or having folks speak at our meetings.  should your group decide that this is even a route they will even need.  i look forward to great things from any group you and casey are leading.  "ask not what your dog can do for you, but ask what you can do for your dogs".  i think this was JFK's dog that barked this remark?

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: amanda arrington 
      To: Ken Gasch 
      Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 11:19 AM
      Subject: Re: my thoughts on pessimists

      i like the way you think (especially in regards to nay sayers).  i am slowly meeting more and more people who are interested in this movement.  i am meeting a few of them saturday at 1:00 at whole foods to brainstorm and discuss the issue.  if you are available you are more than welcome to come - you always have great ideas and input and have been involved in organzied efforts longer than i have.  the more brains we have, the better the results will be. erin is always invited as well. 

      Ken Gasch <ken.gasch at> wrote: 

        i think education key.  i am mainly interested in the practice of chaining coming to an end in durham county.  i believe this will take both laws and education.  

        the folks at humane society are very bright.  if the question is do i think an education campaign on chaining is a good idea, i anwer yes 100%.  while i cannot attend every meeting while a campaign is being put together, i will try and help whenever possible.  i think that a campaign with you and casey as leaders is bound to be a good one.  

        a little thing that i use when working to persuade key folks is this.  rather than say "i want this...", i say something like "the community really wants this..."  or "neighborhoods put this issue number one when looking forward to important concerns to address is the coming year..." and so on.  there will be no lack of community support.  

        tell the "nay-sayers" to f*&% off or just ignore them.  that is what i do.  hundreds of NASA scientists and engineers thought it was impossible to put a man on the moon and bring him back to earth alive.  in 1963, after Kennedy's address at Rice University, those folks were fired.  ;->  

        i also admire Winston Churchill.  hence, the little dude's first name.


          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: amanda arrington 
          To: Ken Gasch 
          Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 9:21 PM
          Subject: Re: my thoughts on pessimists

          i can see that kim is very frustrated and personally hurt by the current situation.  i understand this and i think she has some great points but i agree with you that we cannot be discouraged and NOT try because of the chance of failure.  i do however believe that a community education campaign is key.  we need a change in mentality to go along with a new ordinance.  i visited the shelter yesterday because i want to get involved with the humane education committee and it really opened my eyes to how important it is to teach people in the community the way animals should be treated. there are a few ladies that are interested in the dog chaining/community education issues and we are meeting on saturday to discuss what we can do.  i know you are mainly interested in getting the ordinance passed (as I am also) but if you want to go further with the issue i would be happy to have your ingenuity and insight.

          i am so excited that you admire JFK...i have been obsessed (my husband's word) with him since i was in 5th grade.  i knew i liked you :)

          Ken Gasch <ken.gasch at> wrote:

            i didn't say this to kim but i can't stand that 
            please-cut-and-paste-this-message-to-your-city-council bullshit.  the whole 
            idea makes people feel stupid as if they couldn't think for themselves.  as an INC 
            board member, i felt like INC would be reduced in stature if we subscribed 
            to that kind of game.  i think kim is a good gal.  i also think she is a 

            if you think you cannot do something, then odds are you will not be able to 
            do it.  i cannot and will not let people tell me that something is 
            impossible.  one of my greatest heroes is JFK.  WE CHOOSE TO GO TO THE MOON. 
            BECAUSE IT IS EASY, BUT BECAUSE IT IS HARD.....   seven humans have walked 
            on the surface of the moon.  all seven were AmeriCANs.  none were 

            the push for a chaining ban will continue.  after INC adopts an affirmative stance, it is time to ask PAC2 for it's support.  then
            or at the same time, it might also be good to get a well respected animal organization in Durham to support a ban on chaining. 

            also, it will be good to begin working on a letter to the editor.  250 word limit.  


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