INC NEWS - Save on electric bill & conserve energy

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Tue Jul 18 12:08:10 EDT 2006

Two good places to get info on energy conservation are:

Clean Energy Durham

Most recent issue of Sierra Magazine
(there is quite a bit of additional info on their website, but I am out of 
town and not on home computer with links, etc.)

Someone sent me an article that said that your AC in your car doesn't make 
that much difference, especially if you roll down the window.  What does 
matter is speed, stupidity (dodging, braking, and rapid acceleration, etc), 
inefficiency (bad planning of your trips) and idling.

Regards, pat

>From: Laura Drey <lkdrey2 at>
>To: Interneighborhood council <inc-list at>
>Subject: INC NEWS - Save on electric bill & conserve energy
>Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 22:25:58 -0400
>Duke Energy has a program called Air Conditioning Load Control Program that
>can cut the cost of your electric bill & conserve energy at the same time.
>Using the Load Control Program will help a little in both cases.  ³Load
>Control acts to reduce the amount of energy the participants use while at
>the same time decreasing the volunteers' electricity bills.  The Program
>helps Duke Energy keep overall energy costs down for everyone.
>The Air Conditioning Load Control Program allows Duke Energy to interrupt
>electric service to peoples' central air-conditioning system in times when
>the demand for electricity is high. People volunteering for Load Control
>have their central air temporarily turned off and than the central air
>automatically come back on. Duke Energy may also periodically interrupt
>participants' air-conditioning system to test the Load Control Program.
>Participants see credits on their electric statement for participation in
>Duke Energy's Air Conditioning Load Control Program. Their credits will
>lower the amount of participants' bills July through October. To learn more
>about the Load Control Program and/or to sign up for the Air Conditioning
>Load Control Program contact Duke Energy at 800-777-9898 or 382-3200.²
>(paraphrases and direct quotes from a Duke Energy post card)
>Decreasing the temperature on the water heater will save energy, although 
>will take more water to heat up the water tank.  This water can be used to
>water plants.
>One way to not have refill as often at the pump is to lessen your use of
>your car air conditioner, reduce your speed and not accelerate rapidly on
>the highway.
>Do you know of organizations, brochures and web pages that offer additional
>Laura Drey

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