RW Pickle randy at
Mon Jul 24 11:31:55 EDT 2006

This issue keeps coming up so I thought I'd bring it back to the attention
of those on the list. This list does not like it when you send emails to a
bunch of addresses and include it as one of them. It sees the post to the
INC list server as being a spam, sends up a red flag, sends an email to
me, and requires me to go to the list server and see what the issue is.
This is unnecessary work on my end. Plus it begins (when an email includes
other list server addresses) to drag people across lists where they aren't
subscribers. Then when they hit reply, the whole thing starts over again.

So if you will please remember this, it'll be easier on me. I do not want
to get to the point where I just set the list server to automatically
reject posts it sees as spam (due to multiple addresses) or anything else.
There are times when someone not on this list has something valuable to
add and their post is held because they are not members of this list. I
could just subscribe everyone who ended up in this position, but this is
an opt-in list and doing it that way would make it otherwise.

Thanks for your help in this matter.

List Administrator

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