INC NEWS - Fw: [pac5] Re: [pac2] Community Response - Northgate Park area - Saturday, August 12

American LAbor americanlabor at
Fri Aug 11 12:26:31 EDT 2006


Cheryl and I would like to thank everyone who's been so supportive of us after last night's attack on her mother.

She is recovering from the assault in an undisclosed location as the assailant is still at large.

We especially want to thank the officers and investigators of the Durham Police Department who were so quick to respond to her incident and the professional way they conducted themselves in her home shortly afterwards.

Eric Hester and the COPS in District 2 deserve medals in our opinion as they were instrumental in locating the stolen vehicle and offering emotional support long into the evening last night.

I want to thank our new neighbor and friend LIne Dempsey for his patience and expertise installing new locks and security devices at the home after the intrusion to make it safe again..

DL and Bobby,  thanks again for getting the car towed back home,  I can't tell you how much Marie  worried about it!

You all are great!

To those friends and neighbors who want to help,  we're asking you to be vigilant in your own neighborhood.   Keep and eye out on your block.  

Report suspicious activity and try to remember to jot down license plate numbers for vehicles/persons that just don't 'fit'.

Finally,  we wish upon you a gift that it never happens to you or your family.

Be smart, stay involved and never, never, ever GIVE UP!!!!!

mike shiflett

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Faggart, Robert 
  To: pac1 at ; Pac2 ; pac3 at ; pac4 at ; pac5 at ; safedurham at 
  Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 11:12 AM
  Subject: [pac2] Community Response - Northgate Park area - Saturday, August 12

  The Durham Police Department will conduct a Project Safe Neighborhoods Community Response on Saturday, August 12, 2006.  The Response is being held in reference to two recent incidents in the Northgate Park area. A description of the incidents is included below. The Response will cover the areas around the 400 block of Maynard Avenue and the 2400 block of Shenandoah Avenue.  We are requesting as much support as possible from our citizens, community and agency partners for this Response.

  The Response briefing is scheduled to be held at Northgate Park on Club Blvd. at 4:00 p.m., August 12, 2006.  The Response will begin immediately after the briefing and is expected to last approximately one hour.
  Please contact me at your earliest convenience to let me know if you, or representatives of your agency, will take part in the Response.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

  Incident Description

  The Durham Police Department is seeking information on two incidents in the Northgate Park area. On August 11, 2006, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Durham police officers responded to a robbery call at 2409 Shenandoah Ave. An elderly woman came home around 4 p.m. and found a man hiding inside her home. The man, who was hiding behind a chair, jumped out at her and hit her in the face several times. The man told the woman he had a gun, but no weapon was seen. The man took a cell phone and a checkbook and fled in the woman's 1998 dark blue Buick LeSabre. The vehicle was recovered a short while later on Farthing St. On August 8, 2006, police responded to a call at 407 W. Maynard Ave. An elderly woman noticed a black male who appeared to be sleeping in her car under the car port. The suspect grabbed the woman on the porch as she went to call for help and threw her to the ground, striking her head. The suspect then fled the scene on foot. The Shenandoah Ave. suspect is described as a tall, thin, dark-complected black male in his 50s. He was wearing a dark-colored button-up shirt with long sleeve and dark work pants.  The Maynard Ave. suspect is described as a black male approx. 25 years old. 

  Investigators are looking for any witnesses to these crimes, or any information on vehicles or persons in the areas near the times of the incident. If you have any information, please call CrimeStoppers at 683-1200, or call Investigator Carnevale at 560-4582, or tell any police officer your information.

  What is a Community Response?

  The Community Response to Violent Acts is a strategy utilized for violent incidents or any crimes likely to have a retaliation effect among those involved. The Response consists of a door-to-door canvassing of the neighborhood(s) where the crime occurred, the victim(s) live(d), and/or the suspect/arrestee lives(d). Conducted by the Durham Police Department, partnering agencies and organizations, clergy, and concerned citizens, the canvass is designed to have a four-fold effect:

  a. To develop investigative leads in the case by asking neighbors to come forward with information that may assist investigators in solving and prosecuting the case;

  b. To provide information to the community about the violent act that occurred and to reassure them that law enforcement is doing everything it can to solve the case and protect the citizens of the community;

  c. To support the involved community in its efforts to recover from the violent act by letting the community know that law enforcement cares and is there to prevent future acts of violence or retaliation, and;

  d. To visibly demonstrate the Project Safe Neighborhoods partnership by having law enforcement and community representatives conducting the Response.

  Partners will be notified via e-mail of the time, date, location, and reason for a Response when one has been scheduled. Participants will convene at the Response site, where the Response coordinator will conduct a short briefing and responders will sign in. Participants will then be divided into teams; each team will consist of both community members and law enforcement officers. The teams will disperse to assigned sections of the neighborhood, handing out flyers door-to-door and talking with residents about the violent incident that precipitated the response, as well as any other concerns the residents may have. Once the canvass is complete, responders will reconvene, participate in a short debriefing if necessary, and sign out. Most responses should last no more than one hour.

  Rob Faggart
  Project Safe Neighborhoods Coordinator
  Durham Police Department
  505 W. Chapel Hill St.
  Durham, NC 27701
  Phone: (919) 560-4438 x243
  Pager: (919) 517-3130
  Fax: (919) 560-4899
  E-mail: robert.faggart at

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