INC NEWS - 2 brother dogs need home

RW Pickle randy at
Sun Aug 13 15:50:57 EDT 2006

A friend who rescues animals has asked me to see if I could help her place
a couple of really great dogs. These dogs are brothers and she feels that
since they have been together since birth, keeping them together at this
point would be nice. Their names are Bruno and Griffin and are around 4
years old (so they're past the puppy chewing phase). Both dogs are
up-to-date on all their shots, have been neutered, and are in good health.
She placed them only 3 months ago with a fellow who is now moving to a
condo where they are not allowed. So she is trying to find them another
new home.

Both dogs are canine mountain dogs, the previous owner said they were
Great Pyrenees, although they are not the traditional white color. They
are big dogs, stay outside in a pen, he'll include the pen (30x30), 2
crates and 2 dog houses. They have lots of hair. He has had them groomed
since she last saw them, so their hair is clipped short for summer. If you
know of anyone who might like these two friendly brothers, you can contact
her at  418-8288.

She currently has 6 dogs and 10 cats at her house and is maxed out for
animals at this point. Otherwise she'd keep them until a home could be

27 Beverly

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