INC NEWS - Delegate meeting, August 22

Rev. Melvin Whitley tellmelvin at
Wed Aug 16 09:15:14 EDT 2006

Petition To Stop The Sale Of Crack Pipes

          Whereas Drug paraphernalia is any legitimate equipment, product, 
or material that is modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs 
such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine.

          Whereas Law Enforcement Officials have confirmed that glass bud 
vases are being used as modified equipment pipes to smoke (crack) cocaine 
and methamphetamine.

          Whereas the Rose in a glass bud vases should not be sold in Durham 

          Now, Therefore Let it be resolved that the InterNeighborhood 
Council of Durham are asking Durham City and County should include these and 
similar glass tubes to the list of banned drug paraphernalia.

Your Servant
Rev. Melvin Whitley
2614 Harvard Ave
Durham NC  27703
(919) 596-9691 - Home
(919) 308-2844 - Cell
tellmelvin at
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pat carstensen" <pats1717 at>
To: <inc-list at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:34 AM
Subject: INC NEWS - Delegate meeting, August 22

> For more info on the resolution on "love roses" see
> Agenda
> InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
> Monthly meeting on Tuesday August 22, 2006
> 7-9pm in the Community Room
> HERALD-SUN Building (2828 Pickett Road)
> Directions:
> Refreshments are provided
> Welcome and Introductions (10 min)     Mike Woodard, President
> Discussion Items / Presentations
> q Animal Control Issues (30 minutes)
> q Glass Pipes as Drug Paraphernalia (20 minutes)
> Whereas Roses in a Glass bud vases are being employed in using drugs and
> should not be sold in Durham stores
> The InterNeighborhood Council of Durham resolves that the Durham City and
> County should include these and similar tubes to the list of banned drug
> paraphernalia.
> Updates  (30 min)
> q Minutes and Treasurer's Report
> q Davidson Street Rezoning
> q Neighborhood Hero Awards
> q Nominating Committee
> q Centerfest
> q Neighborhood Notification
> q Keep Durham Beautiful
> q Other updates and new business
> Announcements / Events (5 min)
> q Clean Sweep - October 7
> q Green Building Tour - October 7
> For additional information, contact Mike Woodard at mike at
> To update information on your neighborhood, neighbors at or
> 680-8328
> "Only in the continuous encounter with other persons, does the person 
> become
> and remain a person.
> The place of this encounter is the community"


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