INC NEWS - Duke University disciplinary stats re. off-campus student misconduct 2005-2006

Susan Kauffman susan.kauffman at
Wed Aug 16 19:19:35 EDT 2006

FYI, the Office of Judicial Affairs has released the statistics for spring
Best wishes,
Susan Kauffman

2005-06 Off-Campus Statistics Now Available

Report shows university responses to off-campus student misconduct

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Office of Judicial Affairs has released a report detailing its
responses to allegations of undergraduate misconduct off campus during the
2005-06 academic year. Over 200 students were addressed through the
university's disciplinary process as a result of their alleged conduct off
university property. Most of the allegations centered around the use or
attempted use of alcohol. The bulk of the allegations arose in the first
weekend of the fall semester during a "Back to School" campaign targeting
underage drinking by Alcohol Law Enforcement, a division of the Department
of Crime Control and Public Safety of the State of North Carolina.

Undergraduates were found responsible for 137 of the 232 charges of
university policy violations, or 59% of them; 148 sanctions were issued.
Most students received a formal university warning. Two students were

The university initiates formal disciplinary action for students'
off-campus behavior when a student is arrested/cited or is the subject of
repeated behavioral complaints.

The full report may be accessed here .

For more information, contact:
Stephen Bryan, Associate Dean of Students & Director of Judicial Affairs
919-684-6938 | judicial at studentaffairs.duke.eduh

Susan Kauffman
Director of Special Projects
Office of Public Affairs & Govt. Relations
Box 90028
Duke University
(919) 681-8975

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