RW Pickle randy at
Thu Aug 24 22:16:48 EDT 2006

For no apparent reason we can find (right now) the list server has quit
taking emails and sending the posts out (they may be on  hold somewhere in
the system and when this trouble is cleared, you'll get all of them at one
time; we just do not know at this point). It's an issue I discovered today
when I went to post something and it never posted. Maybe if you have done
the same in the last 48 hours, you've noticed it as well and wondered what
was going on. Well, it's sort of broken right now and we're working to fix

But if you sent a post and it didn't make it to the list server (you would
have gotten a copy as well if you're on the list), you can resend it to
this address and it will work (for now; this is an emergency patch):

inc-list at

In the mean time while we find and fix this bug, if send posts to the
above address, we'll all get it just like we once did when posted to :

inc-list at

I'll let you know when we get the bug fixed and issues are back to normal.
So just post to the new address for now until it's fixed.


List Administrator

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