INC NEWS - ACTION: support DurhamWalks Pedestrian Plan

Caleb Southern southernc at
Mon Aug 28 16:40:43 EDT 2006

Dear neighbor,

Durham City Council will consider adopting the DurhamWalks Pedestrian Plan
at their September 5th meeting. They need to hear from you with your

1) Please send a brief email to City Council.
2) If you can, please also attend the meeting and speak.
   (7pm, City Hall, 9-5-06, Agenda Item 32)

To learn more about the plan, visit:

Reasons to support this plan can be found in the sample email to City
Council, found below. You may send that email yourself (cut and paste), or
write one of your own.


TO: council at
SUBJECT: SUPPORT DurhamWalks Pedestrian Plan


Mayor Bell and Members of Durham City Council:

I am writing to respectfully urge you to adopt the DurhamWalks Pedestrian
Plan. This is a welcome step toward improving safety and quality of life for
the citizens of Durham, moving us toward a day when we will have connected
system of sidewalks and trails that allow us to move around the city by foot
- for transportation, recreation, and exercise.

Recent tragic events where pedestrians have been struck by vehicles
highlight the need for Durham to adopt this plan.

Please keep the following points in mind:

1) This is a long-term plan, not a mandate to spend tax dollars today.

We regularly adopt a Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the next 25
years that covers roads and other infrastructure - without having the
current revenue to cover all the projects. Long term planning is necessary
to develop a coherent framework for the pedestrian system we want to
eventually have in place across the entire City.

2) An adopted Pedestrian Plan will help us leverage state and federal
grants, and other sources of money for pedestrian improvements.

By adopting this plan, we will demonstrate a commitment and vision for
pedestrian projects in Durham, rather than approaching funding sources on a
haphazard basis. This document will be of great assistance in applying for
sources of money beyond our local property tax revenues.

I hope you will vote to adopt this plan, as a critical first step in making
Durham a truly walkable city.

Sincerely yours,

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