INC NEWS - InterNeighborhood Council: Roses in a glass resolution

Barry Ragin bragin at
Tue Aug 29 22:20:37 EDT 2006

A majority of the Duke Park Neighborhood Association Board has indicated 
via email that they support this ordinance as well.

Barry Ragin
DPNA President
1706 Shawnee St.

John Schelp wrote:

>The board of the Old West Durham Neighborhood
>Association voted to endorse the INC resolution below.
>~John Schelp
>OWDNA president
>The updated resolution on the roses in a glass is:
>Whereas Drug Paraphernalia is any legitimate
>equipment, product, or material that is modified for
>making, using, or concealing illegal drugs such as
>cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine.
>Whereas Law Enforcement Officials have confirmed that
>"glass stems" are being used as modified equipment
>pipes to smoke (crack) cocaine and methamphetamine.
>Whereas the Rose in a Glass "glass stems" should not
>be sold in Durham stores.
>Now, therefore, let it be resolved that the
>InterNeighborhood Council of Durham asks Durham City
>and County should include these and similar glass
>stems in the list of banned drug paraphernalia.
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