INC NEWS - Citizen Input Needed - Walltown Rec. center 9/12/06

RW Pickle randy at
Thu Aug 31 14:08:49 EDT 2006

>From the City PR Dept.

27 Beverly

Input Sought on Design and Appearance of Proposed Center 
Durham, N.C. – Durham citizens interested in having a say on the future
design and appearance of the new Walltown Recreation Center will have
their chance in September.
On Tuesday, September 12, 2006, at 6:30 p.m., the City of Durham is
hosting a public meeting to collect citizen input on the design for the
new Walltown Recreation Center.  Hosted by the City’s Department of
General Services, Parks and Recreation Department and the G.H. Williams
Collaborative, the meeting will be held at the current Walltown Recreation
Center, located at 1300 West Club Boulevard, Durham
Citizens interested in learning more about plans for the new Walltown
Recreation Center should contact John Paces-Wiles, project administrator
and architect with the City’s Department of General Services, at (919)
560-4197, extension 252 or via e-mail at john.paces-wiles at

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