INC NEWS - I'm looking for something

RW Pickle randy at
Sun Sep 10 03:42:04 EDT 2006

I want to find 7 basketballs or soccer balls for a Centerfest project next
weekend. These should not be good balls because I'll need to cut a hole in
them. These can be old and worn out balls (or they could be new; just
remember I will ruin them as a ball). They do not need to be able to hold
air. You are welcome to have them returned, but they will have a hole in
them and be painted a color, so you probably will not want them back. I
can't use a beach ball or something that is a flimsy plastic like that.
There may be other balls that will work, but I can only think of soccer
and basketballs right now; any round balls that size will work.

Look out in the garage and see what you can find. The need is immediate if
I am to modify them in time for next weekend. You can drop them off by the
house, drop them off at an INC board members house (because the Executive
Board will meet on Wed.). Or I'll try to come and pick them up (you should
have 2 balls minimum per trip). You'll get a kick out of it when you see
them reused at Centerfest! (no pun intended)

27 Beverly

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