INC NEWS - Georges Rousse Durham Project - Warehouse Interventions

Alice Bumgarner alice.b at
Fri Sep 22 11:39:52 EDT 2006

for your neighborhood listservs, if you¹re so inclined...

> Hello All,
> In case you haven't seen it yet, the cover story in this week's Independent is
> about the Georges Rousse art project in Durham.  There are some good pictures
> of some of the installations.
> This earlier article from the Indy had some good pictures from some of his
> earlier installations around the world.
> As noted at the bottom of this week's Indy article, all four sites will be
> open on Saturday, September 23rd, from 10 AM to 4 PM and on Tuesday, September
> 26th, from 5 PM to 8 PM.  The site addresses are:
> * The Baldwin Building, 107 W. Main St.
> * Liberty Warehouse, 500 Foster St.
> * Bargain Furniture, 309 E. Chapel Hill St.
> * Chesterfield Building, 701 W. Main St. (use Main Street entrance near Duke
> Street) 
> You really have to see the installations in person to appreciate them.  They
> only snap into reality when you stand at the exact point the camera was
> positioned and look through a special viewer similar to a camera lens.  One of
> the installations at the Chesterfield Building is guaranteed to bend your
> brain.  It is something that Georges has never done before, a 3-dimensional
> construct that he calls an "anamorphic shape."  (I am Site Co-Captain at
> Chesterfield, and it bent our brains to build the construct.)
> The passion and commitment that over 150 volunteers from all over Durham have
> brought to this project has been absolutely breathtaking.  A recent note from
> Frank Konhaus, one of the initiators of project, says a lot.
> There aren¹t really enough superlatives to talk about the success of this
> project in Durham.  Thank you all for your incredible energy, hard work,
> patience, creativity, persistence, and camaraderie. We have made so many
> incredible new friends and our lives have been changed by this.  Georges
> shared with us yesterday that he does many projects but every so often he does
> a project that he considers important enough to change the way he works going
> forward.  He says that he thinks Durham will be such a project AND on two
> different levels.  He says he has never experienced this level of community
> action and social change that he has seen in Durham and he wants to
> incorporate elements of our organizational approach in future projects.  He
> also offered that the Chesterfield Cafeteria project that we are now working
> on is a new direction for him that he has never pursued before.  He had
> another plan in mind but felt comfortable enough with Team Rousse Durham to
> take a significant chance and start a new body of work here.
> I hope that you will come to one of the public openings and see what Durham
> has created.
> Chuck Davis
> Dacian Ave.
> Project Web Site:
> P.S.-I would appreciate any cross-postings to other neighborhood listservs.
>   __._,_.___ 
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