INC NEWS - pls oppose Scott Mill rezoning (new development in southern Durham)

John Schelp bwatu at
Sun Sep 24 21:44:19 EDT 2006


Please send an email to the Board of County
Commissioners opposing the Scott Mill rezoning in
southern Durham. (Background and email addresses are

I understand that the developer engaged members of the
community in a lengthy process and then returned to
development plan that doesn't show the committed
elements he had previously indicated he was willing to

This is patently unfair to the citizens who've been
negotiating in good faith. It's as if the developer
were blowing smoke to buy time -- hoping the community
would just fade away. Imagine that.


Community involvement is an important part of the
rezoning process, and we - NE Creek Stream Watch, and
the Lake Park neighbors have been diligent in this
process. HOWEVER at the last minute the developer has
replaced the negotiated map for the map which shows
only "typical" lan. This makes much of our negotiating

Please ask commissioners to deny rezoning to this

Please come to the commission meeting this Monday
night. It is the developers plan to wear us out - and
we must not let him win at this game! Please state
that you are outraged that this developer is wasting
so much of the community and commissioners time.
Please call or email the Commissioners.
Ellen Reckhow, ereckhow at                
Becky Heron, beckymheron at        
Phil Cousin, prcousin at       
Michael Page, mpage at  
Lewis Cheek, lcheek at  
Feel free to get in touch with me if you have
questions. I'll keep you updated with any new info.
Carol Young, 544-1956 
Colleen Haithcock, 544-2346     


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