INC NEWS - East End Connector options

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Wed Sep 27 09:37:14 EDT 2006


Before making any decision on which alternative would work best,  I'd highly 
recommend that each individual spend some time looking at the maps, the 
proposed routes of each alternative (there are 4 of them) and see exactly 
where they start/finish and which structures (homes, churches, businesses) 
and natural habitats they will impact.

Premature lobbying for one alternative over another is ill advised until 
those who haven't gathered these basic pieces of information have had a 
chance to do so.

In my mind,  we should also be willing to listen to the feelings of those 
residents who will immediately impacted by the EEC and what it will do to 
their neighborhood so we can weigh them against the benefits and costs of 
those of us in other Durham neighborhoods.   This should be done before 
taking any position on which option will work best for everyone.

mike shiflett
206 West Club

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "RW Pickle" <randy at>
To: <inc-list at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:32 AM
Subject: INC NEWS - East End Connector options

> Those that attended the first (of a long series) meeting today on the
> planned East End Connector, according to the Manager of Transportation for
> the City, Mark Ahrendsen, numbered more than 170. He said at tonights INC
> meeting it was one of the most well attended meetings of that type to
> which he has ever been. I guess that just shows the interest in it
> (something I understand that we can not waiver on; for if we do, there are
> other communities across our State ready to spend the money designated for
> this project).
> If INC is about "Building Better Neighborhoods" as our tag line says, then
> I'd urge those who look at the four options for the route of the EEC to
> consider option #4 as the option of choice. This option is the only option
> of the four that will preserve areas of  communities. All other options
> will cause relocations of families, businesses, and really do not meet
> what our tag line states we're for. Option 4 crosses undeveloped land and
> is the path of least displacement of family homes or businesses. Plus it
> will extend the interchange work and road improvements further down Hwy.
> 70 past the Laurel Drive entry onto 70. It's just the best option out
> there when it comes to not disturbing people or businesses. If INC is
> truly for building better neighborhoods, then it would be a shame to see
> them removed because of a road when there is an option that would work
> otherwise. It's going to be built, it's just a matter of where.
> As we look at these options over the next couple of years (it'll be May of
> 2008 when they present the final decision on the path), I hope you'll
> consider option #4 as being the best because it preserves neighborhoods
> and doesn't destroy them. Some of the residents (of the original option
> #2) in one path have already been displaced once before. They lived in the
> 147 corridor when it came through Durham and that required them to move.
> Had they built the EEC at that time (that was part of the original plan
> some 40+ years ago), this wouldn't even be an issue today. But since it
> is, please consider option #4 as it is the path of least displacement.
> Building better neighborhoods doesn't mean tearing them down for a road...
> Want to know more? Visit Calebs' website:
> In 2002 and again in 2005, INC registered its support for this project. As
> a group that supports building better neighborhoods, I'd like to see us
> support an option that doesn't destroy neighborhoods. That is only option
> #4. Hopefully in the near future we can bring the EEC roadshow to one of
> our INC meetings so everyone can learn more. Then perhaps we can support a
> resolution (as we have done in the past supporting the project itself, but
> not the path) to register what INC feels is a better path to take.
> 27 Beverly
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