INC NEWS - Saturday-help us end substandard housing

Lorisa Seibel lorisa at
Wed Sep 27 15:38:45 EDT 2006

At last night's INC meeting, I announced our community forum.
Please forward this to other interested neighbors.
Campaign for Decent Housing Annual Meeting
Support our 2007 Action Agenda for safe homes & neighborhoods.
Help create a 10-Year Plan to End Substandard Housing in Durham.
Saturday, September 30, 10:00am-2:00pm
Eastway Elementary School, 610 N Alston Ave. (enter on Taylor St.)
Please REPLY to RSVP for lunch.
Contact:  Lorisa Seibel, Lorisa at, 683-1185x25.

10:00-10:10am  2007 Action Agenda & 10-Year Plan to End Substandard Housing

10:10-11:10am  Slide show of homes & neighborhood successes & challenges:
Matt Flynn & Iris Fisher - Cleveland Street, Old Five Points Neighborhood
David Arthur & Aidil Ortiz Collins - Vale Street Neighbors
Melvin Whitley - Harvard Street
Ray Eurquhart - Southside Neighborhood
Evan Covington-Chavez - Self-Help
Gene Cook - Substandard Housing Committee
Terry Allebaugh - Housing for New Hope

11:15-12:15pm  Working together to make homes & neighborhoods safe
Mayor Bill Bell
County Commissioner Ellen Reckhow & Lewis Cheek
Assistant City Manager Wanda Page
Police Chief Steve Chalmers
Economic Development Director Alan Delisle
Neighborhood Services Director Constance Stancil
Community Development Director Mike Barros

12:15-1:30pm    Lunch & Small Group plans to end substandard housing

1:30-2:00pm      Report plans to whole group


2007 Action Agenda

Within 2 months:
Meet with County Commission and City Council on this Action Agenda & a 
10-Year Plan to End Substandard Housing.

Within 6 to 9 months:
Mini-grants in distressed neighborhoods for:
- urgent home repairs for low income homeowners;
- ramps for elderly and disabled residents;
- beautification by volunteers.

Policies to encourage donation of public & privately owned substandard 
properties to nonprofits for affordable housing.

Increase City Housing Code enforcement in neighborhoods in the earliest 
stages of decline with:
- strict enforcement of Repair Only orders & not just boarding vacant 
- performance or other accountability measures;
- web based tracking system of Code enforcement.

Within 12 months:
Implement a Rental Registration/Inspection Program to:
- enforce registration of a local agent for out of town owners;
- begin systematic inspection of all non-owner-occupied homes built before 

Within 12 to 24 months:
Fund programs in distressed neighborhoods for:
- repair/renovation by low income home owners;
- reclaiming abandoned properties for affordable housing.

Within 36 months:
Discontinue use of federal grants for personnel to make funds available for 
competitive proposals from non-government agencies. 
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