INC NEWS - [durhambikeandped] Two more pedestrians hit (one on LaSalle, one at Broad & Perry)

Barry Ragin bragin at
Sun Oct 1 11:46:02 EDT 2006

John, that's the most horrific story i've heard this year.

unfortunately, all of the traffic calming/pedestrian safety measures in 
the world will not be able to protect people from someone whose respect 
for the lives of their fellow humans has sunk to such criminal levels.

i wish Caitlin a complete recovery.

i hope the law enforcement/criminal justice system is able to catch the 
person who did this and prosecute them fully. and anyone who knows 
anything about this (and i'm sure that there's at least one other person 
beside the driver who knows) needs to step forward.

Barry Ragin

John Schelp wrote:

>Hit-and-run driver leaves woman with critical
>injuries: Recent Duke grad one of two to be hit in
>under 24 hours
>Herald-Sun, 1 October 2006
>A recent Duke University graduate was critically
>injured when she was hit by a car late Friday on South
>LaSalle Street near McQueen Drive, according to
>The vehicle left the scene without stopping, police
>According to police, the accident happened at 11:53
>p.m. in front of the Belmont Apartments. Caitlin
>Donnelly, 22, from Towaco, N.J., who graduated from
>Duke in May, was waiting for a taxi cab and crossed
>the street to check on a taxi that had just pulled up.
>After Donnelly learned that it was not the cab she had
>called, she turned to go back across LaSalle Street. 
>As she was crossing the street, Donnelly was struck by
>a northbound car that had its headlights off,
>according to police. The driver made no attempt to
>brake and did not stop after the collision, according
>to investigators. The vehicle was described as a
>dark-colored sedan, possibly a Honda or Nissan. The
>vehicle had damage to the front windshield and was
>missing the left side mirror. Witnesses could provide
>no description of the driver. 
>Donnelly was taken to Duke University Hospital for
>treatment of severe head injuries, police said. 
>Anyone with information about the accident is asked to
>call Durham Police Investigator M.H. Goodwin at (919)
>560-4314 or CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200.
>CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for information
>leading to arrests in felony cases, and callers do not
>have to identify themselves. 
>Friday's incident was not the only time a pedestrian
>was struck in Durham in a 24-hour period. 
>Around 3 p.m. on Saturday, a pedestrian was struck in
>the crosswalk at Broad and Perry streets, the same
>place 28-year-old Erin Kuhns was struck, dragged and
>partially run over by a Cadillac Escalade on Aug. 11.
>In that incident, the vehicle's rear wheel ran over
>Kuhns' arm and shoulder and grazed her neck, leaving a
>The young woman struck Saturday did not appear to be
>seriously injured. 
>City officials plan to ask the state Department of
>Transportation for a signal at the Broad and Perry
>street intersection. 
>Donnelly remained in critical condition Saturday

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