INC NEWS - solution for East Campus, still several gaps in Ped Plan...

John Schelp bwatu at
Mon Oct 2 22:23:07 EDT 2006

> Frank Duke wrote:
> If Duke elects to propose a different alternative,
we can get that, but only if Duke agrees to that

Yep, that why the university was asked to build a
paved pedestrian walkway around East Campus (inside
the wall) with 5 foot-wide pedestrian entrances at
each corner.

This solution saves the trees and provides the

The ball is in Duke's court. We'll see what they say
about connectivity.

Of course, emails from a local official saying Duke
can get a pass on pedestrian walkways around East
Campus might give Duke the cover it needs to say no.

What's important to remember here is that Duke
submitted a Pedestrian Plan that is woefully
inadequate and needs improvements in several areas.

We'll see what Duke does.


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